Summary: Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland Name: raptor Version: 1.4.16 Release: 2%{?dist} License: LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 Group: System Environment/Libraries Source:{version}.tar.gz URL: BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: libxml2-devel libxslt-devel curl-devel %description Raptor is the RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland that provides a set of standalone RDF parsers, generating triples from RDF/XML or N-Triples. %package devel Summary: Libraries, includes etc to develop with Raptor RDF parser library Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: pkgconfig %description devel Libraries, includes etc to develop with Raptor RDF parser library. It provides a set of standalone RDF parsers, generating triples from RDF/XML or N-Triples. %prep %setup -q %build %configure --disable-static make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/*.{a,la} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.LIB ChangeLog LICENSE-2.0.txt LICENSE.html LICENSE.txt NEWS README %doc %{_mandir}/man1/rapper.1* %{_libdir}/lib*.so.* %{_bindir}/rapper %files devel %defattr(-, root, root) %doc AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.LIB ChangeLog LICENSE-2.0.txt LICENSE.html LICENSE.txt NEWS README %doc INSTALL.html %doc %{_mandir}/man1/raptor-config.1* %doc %{_mandir}/man3/libraptor.3* %doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/raptor %{_libdir}/lib*.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/raptor.pc %{_prefix}/include/* %{_bindir}/raptor-config %changelog * Sat Feb 9 2008 Kevin Kofler 1.4.16-2 - Rebuild for GCC 4.3. * Fri Oct 12 2007 Kevin Kofler 1.4.16-1 - Update to 1.4.16 (for Soprano 2, also lots of bugfixes). - Specify LGPL version in License tag. - Update URLs. * Mon Feb 26 2007 Anthony Green 1.4.14-3 - Update sources. * Tue Feb 13 2007 Anthony Green 1.4.14-2 - Upgrade to 1.4.14. - Remove pkgconfig and config patches. * Fri Nov 3 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.9-6 - Rebuild for new libcurl. * Thu Oct 05 2006 Christian Iseli 1.4.9-5 - rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21 * Tue Sep 19 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.9-4 - Fix release tag. * Mon Sep 18 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.9-3.1 - Rebuild. * Mon Sep 4 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.9-3 - BuildRequire pkgconfig in the devel package. * Sun May 7 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.9-2 - Move libraptor man page to devel package. - Update sources to 1.4.9. * Wed Apr 26 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.8-5 - Add raptor-1.4.8-config.patch from Michael Schwendt. - Remove some Requires from the devel package. * Sun Apr 23 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.8-4 - Add raptor-1.4.8-pkgconfig.patch from Michael Schwendt. * Sun Apr 23 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.8-3 - Many spec file fixes from Michael Schwendt. - Add many Requires to the -devel package. * Tue Apr 18 2006 Anthony Green 1.4.8-1 - Upgrade sources. - Install with DESTDIR. - Build for Fedora Extras. * Fri Nov 7 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 1.0.0-1 - build for Planet CCRMA, clean up spec file * Thu Apr 17 2003 Dave Beckett - Added pkgconfig raptor.pc, raptor-config - Requires curl * Mon Jan 13 2003 Dave Beckett - rdfdump now rapper * Thu Jan 9 2003 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - built for planet ccrma - one file conflicts with rdfdump in the nasm-rdoff package, so rename the binary to rdf-rdfdump for now. Maybe we should make this a "Conflict:" with nasm-rdoff and leave the file as is... * Fri Dec 20 2002 Dave Beckett - Updated to have two RPMs for raptor and raptor-devel. Depend on libxml2 as XML parser.