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PyChecker 0.8.19 “Two Seven” released

Filed under: Hacking,pychecker,Python,Releases — Thomas @ 19:23


The first PyChecker release done by yours truly is out the door. You can download the source or install the Fedora 12/13/14 package from my package repository. I hope to push it in Fedora as soon as possible.

This release collects two years of bug fixes, and adds support for Python 2.7, which is now the default in Fedora 14.

I already have a few additional local patches that bring out a bunch of new (and correct) warnings in Flumotion, so I'll probably not wait another two years for the next release. My goal is to work towards a clean check of Flumotion.

PyChecker pre-release

Filed under: Hacking,pychecker,Python,Releases — Thomas @ 00:23


After more than two years, it's high time another PyChecker release is made. The previous stable release, 0.8.18, does not work at all with Python 2.7. I also implemented a slew of opcodes, and I fixed one particular bug a long time ago where modules with the same name (in different packages) where hiding each other's errors. Especially in Flumotion where most components have an admin_gtk.py, this was very common.

This is going to be my first PyChecker release, so I would appreciate it if you could give this prerelease a whirl and see how it works for you. I'm especially interested in hearing from projects that used to use pychecker but have stopped using it because it hasn't seen releases the past years.

Download the pre-release. The same directory has a src.rpm and a noarch.rpm for Fedora 14.

I plan to release this Saturday.

mach 0.9.6 ‘Carrot Cake’ released

Filed under: Fedora,mach,Releases — Thomas @ 19:22


I finally got off my ass and upgraded my home machine to Fedora 14 (from 11).

Only ran into two bugs so far, one seems to be something annoying in redland causing moap not to break... check later.

In the meantime, I updated mach for Fedora 12/13/14, because yes I still end up using it whenever I build packages. So here is a new service release.

mach allows you to set up clean roots from scratch for any distribution or distribution variation supported.

Get it from the mach project page.

I built packages for F12/13/14 available from my repository, and will start rebuilding some other packages (I did redland-bindings, but be warned, the F14 one version doesn't seem to work for me!)

Filed under: couchdb,Python,Releases,Twisted — Thomas @ 23:27


I've been working on Paisley some more recently, finishing a first stab
at a document mapping API.

As discussed with Christopher Lenz a long time, I basically took his
mapping code and applied it to Paisley.

In my personal project I also added a caching version of the CouchDB
object, but I'm not yet convinced it is the right approach, so it's not
in Paisley yet. One of the things I think I will need to do to make
that useful is to have it listen to change notifications, so it can
change cached objects when they change in couchdb, and implement
notifications for these changes so that a program can be informed of
them too and react accordingly.

In any case, I'd like to work towards a release, so feel free to take a
look at
the branch I've made
to implement this on, give any feedback or
do any code review, and let me know.

Flumotion 0.8.0 ‘7 Portes’ released

Filed under: Flumotion,Releases — Thomas @ 21:04


Just after leaving on holiday, taking him eventually to New York where he's relaxing now, our local release machine Xavier Queralt released Flumotion 0.8.0.

This release contains many goodies, but probably the star feature is support for WebM and VP8, Google's new codec and container.

Beside that, I'm particularly excited about some of the video effect support (notably deinterlacing, giving us better full PAL/NTSC quality) and the generic decoder element (allowing you to take an incoming encoded stream, decode it, and re-encode it to different formats).

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