I think it’s better to look odd than to look normal |
In the fall of '98 I had a thing for a girl I didn't want to have a thing for. I had also just seen one of my favorite movies, Much Ado About Nothing (the original Brannagh movie, not the Josh Whedon one that I didn't know about until recently and have yet to see).
I decided to exorcise my feelings into a good old-fashioned mix cd (well, I guess that wasn't old fashioned back in '98). I cut up the movie dialogue into pieces, and interspersed them inbetween a song selection aiming to match the flow of the movie lyric-wise and, in places, matching them sound-wise too to the movie snippets. It ended up being two cd's, and a bunch of my friends liked it as well so I think I ended up making about 30 copies of the thing.
Today I needed to recreate those two CD's plus its original packaging. That means I had to actually buy CD-R's (didn't have any anymore after the move to the US), buy jewelcases (can you believe that I actually have actual boxes with actual empty jewelcases that I *kept* in storage in Belgium? These days if you want to buy them they're a little harder to find than they used to be, even though I'm sure there must be landfills full of them all over the world), and go to a print shop to print the front and back covers.
Being the obsessive backupper that I am, it was easy to find the sound files back (actually, I took a morituri rip that I made at my best friend's house, who has the CD's, last time I was there - so that I would have a perfect .cue sheet that would stitch the tracks together). I knew I had the files for the fronts and backs somewhere as well, but they were a little harder to find because I couldn't remember their names. But I trusted my OCD self that I had backups from fifteen years ago somewhere here with me in NY, and I started looking for files from the same timeframe, until I came across the files I was looking for hidden in a subdirectory.
But then when you find them, what do you do with .cdr CorelDraw files from 1998? I tried inkscape, which uses uniconvertor, which on my F-19 machine failed with a constructor with wrong arguments in Python, which seems like a silly bug. I rebuilt the F-21 version, which gets past that bug, but then doesn't actually convert anything. I tried an online converter, and it only picked up on the images and none of the text.
So I went the illegal route - I downloaded CorelDraw 11 from the internet, installed it in wine (which was surprisingly easy, it just worked), and I could open the files. Except that it was missing fonts and so the layout was all wrong. Sigh. Hunt random font sites for the missing fonts, install them for wine, open again, rinse, repeat. Eventually the files opened with the right fonts, except that one of the titles was too big to fit on the CD inlay. Oh well, adjust them all manually, make it a little smaller, export to eps, load in gimp, adjust the page as it was perfectly measured for A4 printing but I'm in the US now and the US uses letter which is slightly different, export to pdf so I could go to any random print shop in New York and get it printed.
CD burnt, on to the print shop, fiddle with the printer as nobody in the store can figure out which tray number the tray is where they loaded the card stock paper, and it's not like the driver on the windows machine knows either - I had to do 5 failed prints to different printers before we even knew which printer was the right one. Cut up the paper by hand with scissors (which I suck at), put it all together, and be on my way.
All this just to say that, while I can be as good about backups as I want to be to bring back to life something I did fifteen years ago, there is still a whole lot of real-world technology fails getting in the way, like outdated proprietary file formats, not having good interchange formats, missing fonts, paper sizes and general Imperial/metric nonsense, ages-old printer crap and just simple manual tasks, which we as humans will probably inflict upon ourselves for forever. I mean, I'd sure like to believe that in the future it will be as simple as pressing a button and getting this 15 year old CD project 3D-printed all at once, but experience has taught me that most likely I will be fiddling just as much with getting 2040's 3D printer to work with 2025's data files.
And so it is that I arrive just after 6 at Barnes and Noble in Tribeca, queue up in front of eight registers with only one open, buy a book, get a wristband, go to the back where Emma Thompson is reading from her Peter Rabbit book, in her perfectly English and genuinely funny way, queue after the reading, and hear her say "I think it's better to look odd than to look normal" to the seven year old twin girls in front of me. I wholeheartedly agree with her. I hand her my copy to sign, give her my two cd's and tell her what they are and say that I thought this was a good opportunity to give them to her, and she smiles and seems genuinely surprised and pleased.
I think my dad would be genuinely jealous at this point - he always seemed to appreciate seeing her on the screen, and after today I can't say I blame him. I hope she enjoys the CD's, and if someone can recommend a good website where I can put these online for others to listen to, that would be great!
Hey really great story, thanks for sharing.
I have no idea where you can upload those cd’s, but if you do find somewhere let me know. I gots to have a listen!
Comment by A Big Fan of The Art of The Mixtape — 2014-10-03 @ 10:37
Great story. Not sure about the ending though. The minute descriptions of the efforts make it sort of stalkerish to end with a “real life” person. Maybe leave out who you actually gave the cd’s to. Then people might even think it is the crush from the beginning. And a crush turned famous would of course be a great end.
Comment by albucyd — 2014-10-03 @ 18:34
Hm, I didn’t think of it that way… it seemed to make more sense this way as she’s actually in the movie. I’ll think about it. And I actually gave these to the crush when I made them, which is how I got it out of my system :)
Comment by Thomas — 2014-10-03 @ 21:14
Surely LibreOffice just imports CDR files ? document liberation and all that ? :-)
Comment by Michael Meeks — 2014-10-06 @ 04:46