
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect


Filed under: Hacking,Python — Thomas @ 08:18


...is alive again! After two years of once in a while poking the author asking for my six patches to get merged in, I recently got given commit access and admin rights, and between the three of us we started talking about doing an actual release!

I just commited a patch for my own bug (God, I'd forgotten how much SF's bug tracker sucked ass).

Now I have to hurry the hell up to get the other five patches in there before the release deadline, which is scheduled for halfway through July.

In the distance I can hear Andrew Patrick Wingo's maniacal laughter...


  1. cackle cackle hoo hoo

    Comment by wingo — 2008-06-30 @ 09:16

  2. 2008-6-30 8:18 a.m.

    Amazing. This “perfect” post appeared approximately one hour before I needed it (depending on time zone, that is). Here in Madison Wisconsin I was just wondering the status of pychecker. In particular, whether it works with Python 2.5. It appears the last SourceForge release was in 2006.

    So anyway, it’s *great* to hear that you are interested in improving pychecker. I switched to pylint awhile back for Leo (see the website url), but regretted the decision. Pychecker does a better job in finding stuff like undefined vars and ivars. I am in the process of switching back to pychecker.

    Leo switched to bzr/launchpad a few months ago, and the result has been an explosion of contributions. Would you be interested in bzr or launchpad as a more friendly host for pychecker? I highly recommend both: almost infinitely better than SourceForge/cvs.


    P.S. I’ve studied pychecker a bit and have played with the idea of modifying it to remove some of the annoyances it caused me. It might be fun to collaborate on improvements…

    Edward K. Ream email: edreamleo@gmail.com
    Leo: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html

    Comment by Edward K. Ream — 2008-06-30 @ 16:29

  3. Yay! Does this mean pychecker is now usable on applications using Zope 3?

    Also: your blog post and all the comments are blank when I visit the website.

    Comment by Marius Gedminas — 2008-06-30 @ 18:07

  4. Fantastic news. I got here after googling for “Catching a non-Exception object (KeyboardInterrupt)”. As a long-time user of pychecker, I’m glad it’s getting some TLC. Good man.

    Comment by Andrew Kember — 2008-07-04 @ 16:28

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