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Vote for Flumotion!

Filed under: Fluendo,Flumotion — Thomas @ 14:50


If your mind is wandering a little at work, if you're a big fan of Flumotion, or you like our company or really any company with firm roots in open source, you could do worse than take out 2 minutes of your day and vote for us in the Streaming Media European Readers' Choice Awards 2009!

Here's what you do:

  • Go to: http://www.streamingmediaglobal.com/Readerschoiceeurope/
  • Enter your name, email and company info
  • Vote in 5 categories (3rd, 4th, 6th category on the left column; 1st and 4th on the right):
    Online Video Platform, Best Streaming Innovation of 2009, Streaming Services Provider, Transcoding solution, Video Advert Platform.

Feel free to vote in some of the others too, I picked Spotify in the Music & Audio delivery section for example.

Feel free as well to drop a comment if you voted so I know who to thank if we win!

Programming contest

Filed under: Flumotion,Fun,Work — Thomas @ 17:27


Jan and Arek entered this year's ICFP programming contest. It's a three day programming contest, so this morning they asked if they could swap their Friday project day for today to finish the contest. They seem to be in the top third at the moment.

Arek's never been a fan of long meetings, but today's standup meeting was particularly amusing with Arek urging everyone to keep focused and get out there quickly. They had less than two hours left on the clock.

71089 Spot the seven differences

Amusingly, today they came to work with almost the same shirt on, by accident! I can only assume there is a big clothes factory in Poland where they have huge stock of the same fabric...

90 minutes left, knock them dead, guys!

moap vcs bisect

Filed under: Flumotion,moap,Python — Thomas @ 20:32


Next step on this weekend's yakshave: a first implementation of moap vcs bisect!

The interface is lifted from git, obviously, since that's where most people will know the feature from.

I implemented it first with CVS, so I could fix this pychecker bug which was blocking Fedora from bumping the pychecker version from 0.8.17 (3 years old) to 0.8.18. And sure enough, it picked out the commit I broke.

While implementing and while dealing with CVS's idea of how it stores CVS revisions and dates and so on, I googled and was amused to find this first hit on google for the words cvs and bisect. Clever Andy! And he cleverly sidestepped the problem I wrestled with by making the user specify two dates at the start instead of trying to figure it out from the checkout. And all in lisp too!

Then, to test that my VCS interface was sane, I implemented it for Subversion as well. That took about 15 minutes, since Subversion is much more sane than CVS. I tried the following command on a flumotion checkout:

moap vcs bisect reset; moap vcs bisect start; svn up; moap vcs bisect good; svn up -r 3000; moap vcs bisect bad; MOAP_DEBUG=4 moap vcs bisect run ./test.sh

With test.sh containing

test -e flumotion/component/consumers/gdp/gdp.py

(In other words, look for the commit that added this file.)

Sure enough, it picked out this commit:

[moap-trunk] [thomas@ana flumotion]$ moap vcs bisect diff
Index: /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/configure.ac
--- /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/configure.ac (revision 6909)
+++ /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/configure.ac (revision 6908)
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@
Index: /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/flumotion/component/consumers/Makefile.am
--- /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/flumotion/component/consumers/Makefile.am (revision 6909)
+++ /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/flumotion/component/consumers/Makefile.am (revision 6908)
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@

disker \
- gdp \
httpstreamer \
preview \
Index: /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/ChangeLog
--- /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/ChangeLog (revision 6909)
+++ /home/thomas/tmp/flumotion/ChangeLog (revision 6908)
@@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
2008-06-20 Thomas Vander Stichele

- * configure.ac:
- * flumotion/component/consumers/Makefile.am:
- * flumotion/component/consumers/gdp (added):
- * flumotion/component/consumers/gdp/gdp.py (added):
- * flumotion/component/consumers/gdp/__init__.py (added):
- * flumotion/component/consumers/gdp/Makefile.am (added):
- * flumotion/component/consumers/gdp/gdp.xml (added):
- Add a GDP consumer.
-2008-06-20 Thomas Vander Stichele -
* flumotion/component/producers/gdp/gdp.py:
Add error for http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=532364

So, the feature is ready for testing. It could use some more documenting, and some additional goodies like accepting arguments to moap vcs bisect start for example.

Feedback appreciated!

Live stream rewind

Filed under: Flumotion — Thomas @ 22:14


To take a break from my personal hacking on CD rippers and jukeboxes, I wanted to hack a little on a Flumotion feature.

Now the feature in question was thought up years ago, just like many features we have. Our problem has never been 'what should we implement', it's always been 'in what order do we implement all the things we could do ?'

Anyway, this particular feature is the idea of being able to request a live stream, but going back in time. So instead of seeing what is on now, you could ask to see what was on 30 minutes ago. And you'd connect, get data from that point back in time, then continue as if it was a live stream.

I of course think all my ideas are great, without question. And I've learned to accept over time getting older that everyone else doesn't realize, and so doesn't pick up on these great ideas I'm having. (Who was it again that said irony doesn't work on the internet ?)

Yesterday, in a boss meeting, I was asked to come up with reasons why we stream over HTTP and not over other protocols. I casually threw in a 'you know, we could do crazy things like rewinding in a live stream, or showing what was on half an hour ago.' Which drew a 'hm, that's interesting' from my boss, instead of a usual grunt while he's typing away on his MacBook and fielding a call on his iPhone.

Today, our product manager mails me and says he heard from our boss about this idea, and told me that would be a killer feature to have. So I dutifully replied to some questions he had.

Now, these days, our development process is a bit more structured, so I have two ways of seeing if this can actually work. I can either create a ticket, draft up some requirements, get it on a roadmap for a development cycle, and work with a developer on the team to explain and help out and maybe have something in a few months.

Or, I could just prototype it myself to see if it works, and go the Far West way!

Coming back tonight from tango class, I had been thinking on how I would actually implement it, and started hacking it in as a proof of concept. Basically, I wanted to extend the burst buffer of multifdsink (the GStreamer element responsible for doing the actual streaming) to, say, an hour, and parse a GET parameter like 'offset' in the HTTP request to start bursting from that time offset in the stream.

An embarassing multifdsink bug fix and some flumotion mutilating later, I have this to show for my evening:
live rewind in Flumotion

While it doesn't look that exciting, the screenshot shows a flumotion-launch pipeline, and a gst-launch pipeline with three playbin's playing the same live stream, but each with a different offset (a minute away each).

The 3 playback windows thus show 3 streams, roughly offset by a minute from each other. The time displayed is the system time at the time of frame generation. The slight difference from the requested offset is due to the fact that the streams start at a keyframe.

Not bad for a night of hacking.

Now, to actually get this nicely integrated, productized, supportable, and deployed on our platform is another matter. But now I can package up the ugly bits of hacks I did and hand it off to the team for analysis.

Maybe this is what our development manager meant when he said I should go back to hacking Flumotion once in a while?


Filed under: Flumotion,Python,Releases,Twisted — Thomas @ 19:10


Today the team released another development version of Flumotion! Strangely enough I still made it to the contributors list. Maybe I should look up what I am guilty of.

Here's what the guys say:

Yet another step in the long march towards a stable release. We made
sure we close more bugs than we create, hence the scarce features and
numerous fixes.

The bulk of the improvements is centered around the administration
interface. The configuration assistant gained in functionality,
stability and consistency.

More information here

Not sure why the guys decided to break with tradition and name this release after a restaurant (they probably assume it doubles as a bar). According to Flumotion tradition, micro releases are named after bars where we celebrate the release, and major/minor releases are named after the restaurants where we celebrate the release.

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