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moap 0.2.7 released

Filed under: Hacking,moap,Python,Releases — Thomas @ 21:41


moap is a swiss army knife for maintainers and developers.

This is MOAP 0.2.7, "MMM...".

Coverage in 0.2.7: 1424 / 1899 (74 %), 109 python tests, 2 bash tests

Features added since 0.2.6:
- Added moap vcs backup, a command to backup a checkout to a tarball that
can be used later to reconstruct the checkout. Implemented for svn.
- Fixes for git-svn, git, svn and darcs.
- Fixes for Python 2.3 and Python 2.6

I've been fixing things left and right for python 2.6, and in the process I noticed that moap hasn't had a release for over a year. This release contains mostly bug fixes collected over the year, and a new feature that isn't implemented yet for all VCS's. Basically it's an automatic replacement for something I was doing manually every time I removed an old GNOME cvs/svn/git checkout: figure out what's in that tree that's not in the repository (diffs, unversioned files, ...), so I can delete everything else and free some disk space.

The only problem with this release is that, after doing the release, I noticed that Freshmeat removed their XML-RPC interface. Apparently they have some new kind of interface they want people to use. Sigh. But that means 0.2.8 is right around the corner!

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