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USB Drive as Floppy

Filed under: Hacking — Thomas @ 00:10


Dear lazyweb,

I have a 4 GB Cruzer Micro USB Drive. When mounted there's a /dev/sr1 device which is pretending to be a CD-ROM, and a normal sdc1 device that is a VFAT/WIN95 partition with some files on. I deleted everything on there, and then copied a flash image for my BIOS to it.

When I boot into my BIOS (GigaByte board), there is an option to go straight into the flasher utility.

The flasher utility can save and load bios from floppies. Floppy A is a real floppy, Floppy B is I assume the USB one, and is only present when I insert my Cruzer USB stick.

But the flasher utility doesn't see my BIOS file, even though it's named 8.3

I can save my current BIOS to Floppy B, and on subsequent reboots the file is always there. But when booting into Linux, I can't see the files the Flasher saves and sees, and vice versa.

Where is this hidden file ? What is the Flasher utility seeing ? Is part of the USB stick pretending to be a floppy and Linux not picking up on that ? How do I get to that area so I can copy the BIOS there and flash ?

Nerd Night part 2

Filed under: Hacking — Thomas @ 17:20


Two things that I forgot to put on the list.

One, Kristien keeps complaining about the loud computer in the living room. I want to keep it on at all times (I access it remotely from Barcelona), but it's too noisy for her. So today, I called Peter and we went shopping for ways to cool the system.

We started out by looking for a silent power supply and a silent CPU fan, but in the end we realized that the CPU in the desktop (A Dual Core P4 of the first generation) is just always going to be a heat generator (it runs at 60C when idle), and in the end I decided to change motherboard (also getting more RAM), CPU (Quad Core, it was just 90 euros more expensive than dualcore), get an Antec low-noise case, and a Noctua CPU cooler (which the shop guy claims is better than the funky Zalman CPU coolers). The only thing I'm really worried about is the video card - an ATI Radeon 2400 HD - it doesn't look to well-supported under Linux.

All this stuff gives me a new desktop for around 700 euro - amazing. I remember how I painfully emptied my wallet to get an Athlon 550 system - top of the range at the time - for the equivalent of 1700 euros.

So, what better project for Nerd Night than working on a silent PC ?

The other thing is going to be even more fun. Yesterday evening I froze one of my hard drives - literally. I put it in a ziplock bag filled with grains of minute rice and put it in the freezer. According to a mail Peter sent me, this might just give me enough working time

Why, you ask ? Well, Remember my previous problem. I never followed up on that post, because it was just too embarassing. Here's what happened right after that post.

Recall that I had a software RAID with one of the two drives failing to work. I was fiddling around with the good drive and a new drive, trying to copy stuff. Of course, I just had my desktop lying flat on the floor, with the drives sticking out a little under various angles, the way I always do when I'm working on the guts of a computer. Then, at some point, I reached to grab something from the shelf, and from the top of my shelf a motherboard box slipped and fell down.

It fell down with a point of the box *right on the good hard drive*. Yes, a 50 cm2 target, and the box hit it. It knocked the drive out of commission. So, this left me with the curious situation of having both of my software RAID drives out of order.

I again contacted some data recovery companies, but all of them would charge at least 1000 euros to recover the data. Even though I'm absolutely convinced it can't be much more work between a 400 GB drive and a 100 GB drive, they still charge you a lot more for the bigger drive.

Well, I am no one if not the kind of person that sees opportunity in every problem. I have two identical broken drives. So I can use at least one of them to try out a non-conventional recovery method. Peter suggested the freezing method, so that's what I did. And tonight we'll know if it works!

I have a USB carcass ready to take the drive, and some scripts that should copy the things I need in order, to maximize useful working time in case it works. I don't have high hopes, but one never knows...

Nerd Night

Filed under: Belgium,Hacking,Python,Spain — Thomas @ 16:58


I remember when I moved to Barcelona I was planning to take the opportunity to bring out my inner nerd more. I was going to go find a LUG to join, meet up with fellow hackers in the local area, and do the things nerds do.

I also had this vague idea of getting people from work over to my place on a weekend and working together a whole day on a common project.

Well, the LUG idea didn't pan out - I remember finding two LUGs around Barcelona, one being entirely Catalan and the other with less of a nationalist focus, but still pretty Catalan. I guess I was scared to join up with my nonexistent Catalan skills. I didn't meet very many local hackers, though I recently started going to the Barcelona Python Meetup, and I still have to meet up with Pau whom I met on the subway.

The hacking weekends didn't happen either - I don't think people were as interested as I was to do so in the weekend, although I had a few succesful stints with Jan before he left for Ireland that I remember fondly. But mostly people were happy to go out and get drinks/food/partied.

So, I was happy when Peter proposed we organize Nerd Nights. The idea is we get together and do nerdy things. We used to do this automatically in the house we shared before I moved to Spain. But now the other guys need to find a way to get some me-time away from wife/girlfriend and kids, and this is the perfect activity in which we're guaranteed to have the women not join in.

Tonight's the first one. We have various things we want to work on, including noiseproofing PC's, getting Linux on a really old laptop, teaching Jeroen how to bittorrent, Setting up the Tux Droid, setting up the scrolling marquee Peter and I have, using the Cue::Cat, designing a new DAD (Digital Audio Database), making a VGA-over-CAT-7 cable ... The list goes on.

It's not exactly like the Hacking weekends I wanted to do, since it's not Linux- or hacking-oriented, but it's still enough to keep my inner nerd happy for now :)

MOAP 0.2.6 is out

Filed under: Hacking,moap — Thomas @ 16:43


A new release was long overdue. Over 20 bugs fixed. Sorry to all the maintainers who had to maintain their project without this!

I am looking for packagers for various distros. I have people for Debian/Ubuntu and am going to submit for Fedora myself in a bit. But all other packagers are welcome, both to package moap and to try it out

If you're interested, here are the release notes:

This is MOAP 0.2.6, "Nerd Night".

Coverage in 0.2.6: 1288 / 1742 (73 %), 103 python tests, 2 bash tests

Features added since 0.2.5:
- Added support for git-svn.
- Fix brz diff.
- Added moap changelog find to search through a ChangeLog.
- Added man page.
- Added moap tracadmin to administrate trac installations.
- Added changed properties/added/deleted files when preparing ChangeLog entries.
- Added checking of unchanged ChangeLog entry template.

Bugs fixed since 0.2.5:
- 263: broken changelog unit test
- 267: a man page
- 270: cl find completely busted
- 275: cl prepare --ctags failure with exuberant ctags 5.7
- 257: ImportError: No module named moap.util
- 258: git-svn support
- 259: bzr diff patch
- 266: svn:ignore property not well parsed
- 273: DEP: RDF, Fedora release 7 (Moonshine)
- 277: "changelog prepare" doesn't list changed functions in C++ files.
- 281: changelog prepare -c crashes with "not a ctags line"
- 282: make install fails
- 284: not full change detected on svn move file
- 286: [svn] propedit on externals is not recognized as a change
- 239: warn if ChangeLog has not been saved
- 260: Add changelog grep command
- 261: Option to make 'changelog diff' include differences in ChangeLog file
- 262: changelog find: fix for multiple search terms
- 264: Make changelog find case insensitive by default
- 265: git diff should show staged changes
- 271: trailing spaces in date/name/address line for entry break parsing

Contributors to this release:
- Arek Korbik
- Marc-Andre Lureau
- Thomas Vander Stichele
- Tim Philipp-Müller

external USB/Firewire drive

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 22:14


I want to buy a big external hard drive (500 GB or more), but I want it to be USB-powered (or Firewire-powered - if that exists) so I only have to plug one cable to have it work. My small Passport drive does this just fine. The external drives I've seen in the store don't mention at all if they do this, and all of them come with a power supply. (I assume it's completely possible to have either work, and that would be fine by me).

Anyone who's bought these things can tell me which ones are USB-powered ?

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