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The COVID Cocoon

Filed under: Life — Thomas @ 18:46


"The global COVID-19 pandemic has had countless impacts on society. One interesting effect is that it has created an environment in which many people have been able to explore their gender identity and, in many cases, undergo a gender transition. As organizations return to in-person work, be it full-time or hybrid, there is a greater chance of “out” transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming employees in the workforce." (From the "5 Ally Actions Newsletter - Mar 25, 2022")

March 31 is the Transgender Day of Visibility. The COVID Cocoon is a nickname given for the phenomenon of people discovering their gender diversity during the pandemic environment.

The full report is an interesting read; one recommendation that we can all contribute to is on Culture and Communication: Proactively communicating that gender diversity is accepted, asking staff for their input, and being open and ready to listen helps create a culture where employees can feel safe, welcome, and valued.

Taken from The Playlist - a curated perspective on the intersection of form and content (subscribe, discuss)

Building a Second Brain

Filed under: General,Hacking,Second Brain,Work — Thomas @ 15:44


"Your Second Brain is for preserving raw information over time until it's ready to be used, because information is perishable. Your Second Brain is the brain that doesn't forget." - Tiago Forte

Personal Knowledge Management is going through a wave of innovation with new tools like Roam, Logseq, Obsidian, Notion, RemNote, and others gaining traction over Evernote, OneNote and the like. It's a great time to get curious or reacquaint yourself with the tools and processes that strengthen learning, processing, and expressing your knowledge work.

The expression "Second Brain" has been popularized by Tiago Forte, who's been running an online cohort-based class called Building a Second Brain I took the class last year and found it a powerful distillation of an approach to PKM and note-taking. If you want to learn more, they just wrapped up the Second Brain Summit and posted all videos online: Second Brain Summit 2022 - Full Session Recordings - YouTube

The next class cohort is open for enrollment until March 30th midnight ET, at Building a Second Brain: Live 5-Week Online Course, and runs from April 12th to May 10th, 2022.

"Taking notes is the closest thing we have to time travel." - Kendrick Lamar

Taken from The Playlist - a curated perspective on the intersection of form and content (subscribe, discuss)
