
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Pop Quiz

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 18:28


FFMpeg has a function called av_log which logs a message.

Question: guess what the av_log2 function does.











Answer: calculate the base-2 logarithm


Filed under: General — Thomas @ 23:07


Running Transaction
error: %pre(coreutils-5.97-1.2.i386) scriptlet failed, signal 8
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping coreutils-5.97-1.2
error: %pre(pam- scriptlet failed, signal 8
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping pam-

Installed: coreutils.i386 0:5.97-1.2
Dependency Installed: pam.i386 0:

Hm, signal 8 is SIGFPE. Why would installing coreutils get an FPE ? And why does yum report the packages as installed when they're not ? Time for bed.

Tip for the homely

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:49


When you are on that fence inbetween getting up and actually putting on clothes, a laptop power supply is an excellent foot warmer.

Third Millenium

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:16


My dad lost his USB stick on the train. He got an e-mail from the train operator saying he could come and collect his USB stick.

All the fourth millenium can hope to add to this mix is that he could download a material copy of his USB stick with the transmogrifier.

names and irks

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 15:11


I have seen some pretty badly named projects out there, but when I first heard about gNewSense some time ago it immediately shot into the top 5.

I don't know what irks me so much about it. Is it the camelCase carbonCopy of iPod nAming tHat oVerwhelms mY aEsthetic sEnses ? Is it the clever wordplay on GNU ? Is it the fact that the name calls up something vague and nebulous in my mind, instead of either perfectly describing what it is (youtube) or being mysterious (google) ? Is it the fact that everything you read about the project itself makes it sound as if it is trying to fill all the wrong holes, is a few years behind the times, and is bottled from sour grapes ?

I just can't put my finger on what it is that really irks me to the point where I turn into a critizing idiot about some project I have only a vague knowledge of.

Gee. What a nuisance.

Before I need to make some new year's resolutions and try to be a better man, one more thing to make fun of. I don't remember where I saw it, but at some point I came across ideas for a new video container, of all things, that was named YOY.

Is it just pure coincidence or blind sarcasm on the part of the creator that YOY is read out "Why, oh, why ?". Exactly the thoughts that come to my mind when someone plans to write a new video container. Google isn't helpful right now with my vague recollection, so let's just hope I dreamt it up.

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