
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

GNOME’s fast user switching

Filed under: GNOME — Thomas @ 11:52


is a great feature for my home computer, where Kristien uses it when I'm not there.

But the applet insists on taking up 20% of my top bar just because there is no way to have it not display my full name. I'm pretty sure this used to be configurable somewhere and I could ask to only show the pictures - really, that's quite enough for the two of us, Kristien can tell the difference between me and her from the picture.

But even besides that, who the hell needs their name in the panel ??? If it were to change as often as the time did, I could see the logic. But. It's. My. Name. If I ever get to forgetting it, I'm sure I' ll be more busy wondering why I am holding an oval object with buttons in my right hand, and banging my head against the rectangle with knobs because I've forgotten how to type.

Flickr fiends, a hand please

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 18:37


I have a few images on my disk which I used for a talk and got off of Flickr. For some of them I can't find them again on Flickr. Is there any way I can easily find the original links for these images ? Does Flickr have some sort of upload-and-recognize feature (which would be *awesome*) ? Or is there some other way, given the file I have ?

shoe stores

Filed under: Life — Thomas @ 19:26


really do not sell you only one shoe. Not even if they only have the one shoe of the pair. For example, when they accidentally sold a mismatching pair.

No sir, the shoe goes back to the factory. Even if it's last year's model, out of sale, can't be ordered. That one shoe will sit there in the other factory next to the other bigger shoe, and both of them will die of loneliness. They will not allow me to save one of those two.

Sucks, after 4 hours of shopping.


Filed under: Life — Thomas @ 12:21


In shaving, nothing quite beats the feeling of having a fresh blade glide over your face.

I keep forgetting this as I blunt my blade through the weeks, and then I get surprised all over again when I change.

ps i hate you

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 19:52


CPU usage is currently expressed as the percentage of time spent running
during the entire lifetime of a process. This is not ideal, and it does not
conform to the standards that ps otherwise conforms to. CPU usage is unlikely
to add up to exactly 100%.

This explains why my nagios checks for processes with >90% CPU use doesn't work.

It's logical when you think it through, but the nagios check is very misleading because it doesn't mention this at all, just talks about CPU.

Sigh, let's try with sar instead.

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