
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:30



Resigned today. Funny how resignation is being made out as an action when it's more like a process. I sent in my letter on friday. Some small distress because Thursday night I got a mail from my boss saying he was on holiday from Friday on, and I wanted to tell him personally.

But apparently the grapevine caught up with him and he called me on Sunday to ask if the rumour was true. Had to get into work early this morning to discuss it with him, and it seems we might have some sort of amicable parting of ways. I guess my emergency backup from last night wasn't as necessary as I thought it would be.

What next ?

After this, time for some well-deserved rest, and the chance to tie up a lot of loose ends. I have a ton of projects I still want to work a bit on, and now is my chance to do so. After that, we'll see.

Het heeft geen zin dat ik ontken
Meester Frank, dat ik een ruimtevaarder ben

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:29



Making decisions is both good and bad for you. They're good because they give you a goal to focus on. They're bad because everything that does not directly contribute to following that decision feels like indentured labour.

I need some freedom soon.


Dedicating this day to getting out a 0.4.0 release of mach. I want it out. It works very well for me. I tested it a little with Matthias, and it worked a little for him as well. It even pointed to some missing stuff in his spec file for some things, so that's good - it's a way to show the usefullness of the application.

It's the right time to bring it out now that The Red Hat Linux Project has taken off. Or, to put it in other words: my favourite distribution just got favouriter.

Gentse Feesten

Gent is great at this time of year. 10 days of partying. Two days ago, rumour had it that Manu Chao was going to be a surprise guest at one of the stages. Everyone got frantic. (Personally, I don't like him much). Anyways, it wasn't him, but Goran Brekovic (who isn't bad at all). And I ended up going to Chris Whitley, in a small tent. Did I mention how great Gent is at this time of year ?

Peeve Of The Day

People saying "X sucks". Seriously. That sucks. Negativity is not something I like dealing with in my life.

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:28



I am here. Here's pretty nice. I could see myself staying here for a while.

The terms seem good. The work seems good. Need to decide soon enough.


Trying to convince Matthias from FreshRPMS to use mach. Sitting next to him, installing it on his home machine, and trying it out. It threw a glibc post install error on his one build machine that has Red Hat 8 with rawhide upgrades. Need to check that, always irritating when you're trying to show something and you come to situations where it does stuff you've never seen.

It works fine on his home machine though, and now he's transfering his setup. Need to do more evangelizing soon.

Red Hat

Waiting for the Beta and other announcement. What I've heard sounds very good, but I want to see the announcement myself and figure out what they plan. Anyway, sounds like very good news for projects like Fedora and my own Dave/Dina.

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:27



Pushed in some more fixes, testing it with gstreamer-plugins. If all goes well I hope to release this week.

equivalent of a bad hair day:

 [root@gramm pkg]# mv /var/lib/mach /mnt/hedgren/ 

hard disk spins for several minutes

 Segmentation fault 



We still have work to do. Error reporting still needs a bunch of fixes. Trying to get my act together merging all of the gstreamer-plugins spec files out there and making them work well together. It's not easy building packages for something that can depend on 30+ libraries.


Excited about next weekend's solo trip. Excited about next week, when I work half days and might find some time for development stuff.

she feels that my sentimental side
should be held with kid's gloves

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:26



Achieved complete rabbitness. Somehow managed to part with about twelve perfectly round tiny pellets of excreta. Bewilderment ensued.

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