I am here. Here's pretty nice. I could see myself staying here for a while.
The terms seem good. The work seems good. Need to decide soon enough.
Trying to convince Matthias from FreshRPMS to use mach. Sitting next to him, installing it on his home machine, and trying it out. It threw a glibc post install error on his one build machine that has Red Hat 8 with rawhide upgrades. Need to check that, always irritating when you're trying to show something and you come to situations where it does stuff you've never seen.
It works fine on his home machine though, and now he's transfering his setup. Need to do more evangelizing soon.
Red Hat
Waiting for the Beta and other announcement. What I've heard sounds very good, but I want to see the announcement myself and figure out what they plan. Anyway, sounds like very good news for projects like Fedora and my own Dave/Dina.