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Present Perfect

mysql and utf-8

Filed under: Hacking — Thomas @ 10:30


Someone will probably tell me what knob to turn or what option to twiddle to make this Do The Right Thing, because I can't let myself think MySQL and its tools would still not support utf-8 correctly:

mysql> select * from artist where artistname like '%gur%';
| artist_id | artistname | first_letter_id |
|       258 | Sigur Rós |               3 | 
|       620 | Guru       |              15 | 
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

wordpress I hate you

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:52


After seeing that I possibly might have had some exploits run on my site again, I upgraded to wordpress 2.8

After reading up on hardening wordpress, the official site mentions AskApache, some plugin that helps hardening. I'm not too sure about it yet, because it wants to be writing .htaccess files in my directories and for that I have to open up more than I would want. But hey, let's give it a go.

At some point it creates a username and password that you choose. I go on and configure stuff, not knowing very well which of its many modules I'm supposed to activate, or why.

I forget about it, and ten minutes later I check my mail. I have a mail from AskApache. With my login details. And the password in plaintext.


Is the WordPress security model just fundamentally broken ?

5luendo birthday party

Filed under: Fluendo,Releases — Thomas @ 10:37


Yesterday was cause for celebration. We got together to celebrate five years of the Fluendo Group!


The picture quality is bad, and not everyone is in it, but I just took it on a whim after marveling how many people were there. I didn't even know all of them - yes it's gotten to that point. 67 months ago I arrived in Barcelona without the company even being created...

We celebrated with mountains of cheese and rivers of wine which in the first year would have lasted us a few weeks and now only lasted an hour.

As magical accidents sometimes happen, today is also the day Fluendo received the certification confirmation from Dolby for our DVD player. It didn't take long to land in the webshop, so finally our DVD player is up for sale! So you know what to get us for our birthday - a shop checkout with the dvd player in your cart.

Good timing - that means that at this year's GUADEC/Desktop Summit I know what the answer will be to one of the most asked questions I get.

This is the first GUADEC I'm going to with Kristien in tow, I hope she can manage. I'll be there from Monday through Friday, because the week is bookended by two weddings. Looking forward to a GStreamer summit on Thursday discussing 1.0...


Filed under: Spain — Thomas @ 11:07


left work around 38 degrees C, got a haircut, went for some great tapas on my own reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter, went to a bar, met up with friends, an impromptu bbq plan was hatched, went to a lovely atico at Portal De L'Angel, barbecued in a soothing summer breeze, rode home on the back of a motorcycle hanging on for dear life. All in all a typical Barcelona summer Tuesday.

Programming contest

Filed under: Flumotion,Fun,Work — Thomas @ 17:27


Jan and Arek entered this year's ICFP programming contest. It's a three day programming contest, so this morning they asked if they could swap their Friday project day for today to finish the contest. They seem to be in the top third at the moment.

Arek's never been a fan of long meetings, but today's standup meeting was particularly amusing with Arek urging everyone to keep focused and get out there quickly. They had less than two hours left on the clock.

71089 Spot the seven differences

Amusingly, today they came to work with almost the same shirt on, by accident! I can only assume there is a big clothes factory in Poland where they have huge stock of the same fabric...

90 minutes left, knock them dead, guys!

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