
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect


Filed under: Conference,Flumotion,Work — Thomas @ 14:52


Arrived last night, IBC starts on Friday and I'm setting the booth up with Pedro today.

Every time I have a hotel reservation for work for some reason the hotel always thinks the room's not paid for yet and ask me for payment. It's a curse.

On the plane I had a craving to go to the cinema later tonight, and as fate would have it the hotel is right across the street from a cinema. So the choice between a movie and a visit to the Red Light District was easy - I went to see Wanted. Mindless action fun, nicely shot, and ultimately forgettable.

Today, waiting for our cases of stuff to arrive. I'm sure they'll show up around 17.00, an hour before the IBC convention center closes.

In a cruel twist of fate, we have the sewer pipe of Akamai's booth that ends up in our booth and goes in a hole in the floor, so we have one floor tile sticking out. That's where we were planning to put our servers. So it goes.

At IBC we'll be demoing our freshly available commercial version of our Flumotion streaming server (we also have our new website online). A big thanks to Johan Dahlin, who is the only person in the world to have been hired by our company twice, and to Murray Cumming, who wrote our new Flumotion manual, which will be available online for the free version soon.

Maybe we should show some Dirac streaming too, since the BBC, David and Christian seem to be here.


Filed under: Conference,Hacking,Python — Thomas @ 12:38


In a "Functional Programming in Python" talk, and the author has decided to "remove the return statement from all examples for readibility."

So all of the examples are wrong, and 7 characters are removed while the monster functional statements on the right of the eliminated return statement are still there. Somehow I fail to see how this achieved more readability.

Of course it only took getting to the second slide for someone to raise a hand and say "didn't you forgot to put return in there?" to which the presenter replied "yes, I just told you I wasn't showing them for readability."

Something went wrong there.

Side note - why are all functional programming examples about prime numbers ? Fetishists.


Filed under: Conference,Python — Thomas @ 17:11


to see Google has the same meeting room scheduling problems as we have. During Guido's keynote, a bunch of people came into his conference room claiming they had a reservation. One guy even said "this is Thursday". Not sure if he meant today is (it's not) or if Guido's reservation is...

We actually used to use Google Calendar for scheduling the meeting room, but now there's only a handful of people that can change that particular calendar, and those people have to synchronize by hand to the paper version.

I can still learn new things

Filed under: Conference,Python — Thomas @ 16:40


In Guido's keynote talk atm - sadly through videoconferencing, though the quality is acceptable.

Apparently Python has backticks in the syntax. I had no idea. But it just does a repr() on the object, so not sure why this was considered special enough to merit its own syntax. I've only learnt about it because it's one of the things being removed for Python 3000. So I guess that answers my doubt.

GUADEC fights

Filed under: Conference,GNOME — Thomas @ 15:22


People have wondered if there will be more fighting at GUADEC.

I can happily announce that all parties involved have done their utmost to make sure it won't happen again. I've decided to go to Europython in Vilnius instead, and Johan has gone back to being a professional vagabond and will only arrive in Europe after GUADEC finishes.

We can't make any promises not to kick each other's ass (especially since we're again working on the same project), but at least none of you will be forced to watch it, or see a beautiful sand logo get destroyed.

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