
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:10


So it's 6.30 in the morning and I wake up and can't get no sleep. What better time of day to try my hand at packaging a working avifile version than this ? Now that I have a clean Red Hat 7.2 system, I should be able to make some sense out it all.

Avifile is a mess, currently. Snapshots of the 0.6.0 version get released every so often, and everyone is using different ones. I want to get vcr working so for now I'll use the tarball snapshot on that page. I wish the vcr author would at least adhere to the semi-official CVS snapshots. Oh well ...

Also, the snapshots always contain symlinks to all of the autotools stuff, so I first have to fix that. Then autogen some files here and there, because avifile looks like it's a few libraries slapped on top of each other.

All the while we try to keep a clean "fixed" tarball to build the rpm from, while trying to incorporate an extra tag somewhere in the naming scheme to indicate this is a modified version of the 0.6.0 version of the 11/11 release of avifile. I hope you see why this is a mess.

Anyway, after an hour of mucking about, rpm's seem to build. Let's see if tonight's automatic recording of Dark Angel works.

You might ask yourself, Why is this guy trying to build avifile packages when there are RPM's for RedHat 7.2 available on the site ?. Well, simply because the RedHat packages on the site are built against SDL 1.1 when Redhat includes SDL 1.2. So the packages there are worthless in that regard. And forcing the install is no good either : I'm a firm disbeliever of allowing that. If rpm complains about this, then it means the package isn't well-made or isn't suitable. Simple as that !

Anyway, if you want either the modified source or the RPM's, which install on a clean Red Hat 7.2 system, download them.


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