
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:52



After three full days of apartment hunting and having seen about 20 apartments, I think we have found something that my girlfriend and me both like. For her, the presence of a huge terrace is the thing that wins her over.

It's on the ninth floor, it has a pretty nice view, the apartment itself needs some work but my girlfriend says she's happy to do some work there, we have some guest space, the living room looks nice, the kitchen is ok, and so on. Tomorrow morning we're calling to see if it's ours.

Funny how the first two days, we didn't really see anything that was ok, and today we only saw five which we found in the newspaper and they were all a lot better than the ones before.


Just got home from a nice dinner with my boss, his wife and Matthias. Had a great evening, and we topped it off by rollerblading home. It was over 10 kilometer, a big tour of the whole city, passing along the great lanes, passing by the sea, passing by the hip food joint where I first learned about the Suse takeover a bunch of weeks ago (Go Novell), hearing the sea crash on the beach... Pure slices of thinly cut heaven washed over me.

I like my boss, I like my collagues, I like the city, I like the pastimes, I like my new laptop, I like my new place, I like my new job even more, I love my girlfriend... I'm not sure I fully realize how certifiably incredibly lucky I really am. It was about time :)

Thank you, whoever out there... I'll be even nicer to small animals and elderly people from now on.

Looking at the map I just realized that my new place is close to two subway stations on different lines, and there are big lanes to my work so I can skate there easily and safely. Let's get going... All of you out there keep your fingers crossed that the place is mine tomorrow...

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