My name is Thomas
And I'm a collector.
There, I've said it.
Seriously, are there help groups for people like me ? I have way too much stuff, and 30% of it is crap I throw out when I get around to it, and 30% is crap I should throw out but I can't for some reason (It reminds me of that camp/that summer/that concert/that past love/that accident...)
I'd better get old enough to actually enjoy sifting through all these boxes and have them stir up memories. Of course, you'll see that by the time I'm old there is simply no place to put stuff since each elderly person gets about 8 cubic meters of private space alloted...
I packed up 700 of my CD's; listing the numbers per letter after putting them in a box, and keeping track of all of them in text files by just doing
ls /opt/davedina/audio/albums
and deleting the few (heh) albums I don't actually own.