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Live WebM stream from GUADEC

Filed under: Flumotion,GNOME — Thomas @ 15:46


Six years ago, we did the first large scale Ogg Theora stream from the 2004 GUADEC conference.

It was a dime on its side to get things ready for this year. I purposely removed myself from the organization, because for various reasons I'm not going to GUADEC this year, but I was hoping the rest of the company would do their part to get this working, and I just provided the necessary prodding along the way. I've been told one of the organisers in charge of this got ill at some point and communication went a bit south during that period, so I had some complaints from our support guys that they had to do last-minute rushing.

But the streams are live today, and a few developers here are giddily running around looking at the stream, the image, working on some typical bugs you get when you're doing stuff like this for the first time (the artifacts on keyframes the encoder seems to have remind me a lot of the Theora bugs we had to squash back in the day, and obviously they are worse on still images, like, say, an empty conference room...)

Go check out the stream and make sure you have a WebM-enabled browser, like the Firefox 4.0 beta or latest Opera.

Congratulations to our intrepid hackers like Zaheer and Andoni for their hard work a few weeks ago on WebM, and I've been told Marc-André actually went to Holland just to deliver the encoders :)


  1. […] Thomas […]

    Pingback by Live WebM stream from GUADECthomas.apestaart.org | 9nd.pl — 2010-07-28 @ 16:15

  2. I personally find the choice of webm a little bit strange, since it’s only supported by a stable browser, opera, which is non-free. Why not ogg which I assume would have worked on stable firefox?

    Comment by anonim — 2010-07-28 @ 16:30

  3. Great.

    But it don’t work with Epiphany 2.30.2 . :-(

    Comment by korbe — 2010-07-28 @ 18:08

  4. Actually, Epiphany supports it if you have the latest releases of GStreamer -bad, -base and -good installed!

    Comment by Thomas — 2010-07-28 @ 18:12

  5. It works for me with the old Fedora 12 with Epiphany 2.28.2 (it already ships webkitgtk+ 1.2). I’ve heard it also works in Ubuntu, just update webkitgtk+ packages. It uses Gstreamer so it must support WebM ;).

    Comment by alex — 2010-07-28 @ 18:18

  6. Yes, I have, but it dont work here.

    Comment by korbe — 2010-07-28 @ 18:50

  7. chromium doesn’t work here (yes: youtube webm videos play really fine)

    Comment by blackpingus — 2010-07-28 @ 20:49

  8. That’s this issue – sad to see google itself not properly supporting its own codec in its own browser…

    Comment by Thomas — 2010-07-29 @ 11:35

  9. Marc-andre came to Holland only and only to get this bag back that he lost in Finland.

    Comment by Zeeshan Ali — 2010-07-29 @ 00:15

  10. Could Epiphany be added to http://www.flumotion.com/first_webm_live_event.php as a third option (actually the only one using the GNOME stack)?

    Comment by Juan José Sánchez Penas — 2010-07-29 @ 11:32

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