
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 14:04



Wednesdaynight, Lamb was in town. A spirited performance, they seemed to love being in Barcelona. Half an hour before the concert, the concert hall was still three quarters empty. The room itself was a nice old dancing room.


I think I found my favourite view of the city. Yesterday morning I decided to blade to work, since my laptop was still at work. So, falling wouldn't cost the company too much :)

So I skated to the sea, and then followed the coast line for a while. It was warm enough to be skating in t-shirt. And the nicest view here is that run by the sea, with the morning sun reflecting in the waves breaking on the beach. It very much beats the sight of cars stuck in traffic in Belgium :)

Of course, I ended up following the wrong tower, and while the tower I arrived at is only about half a kilometer from work, the straight line is across the water, and the actual road to take is in a huge arc between those two. So I arrived about an hour late. But I had a good workout.

This weekend my parents are here. They seem to think we chose a really nice apartment. While I don't actively go out seeking their approval, it does feel good to know that there's nothing to argue about or nothing to defend. They seem to be enjoying themselves here as well.


Still some rippling after the Wars Before Christmas. I made a release today. We need to pick up the pace in releasing. For that to happen I guess I need to finish the media test suite so we can at least have computers check for us if it plays back everything. The rest of the steps could do with some automating as well.

Started working on tasks pages for the websites, similar in spirit to the GNOME bounties. But, obviously with less money. I'm going to add some this weekend; I have a bunch more but the code needs a bit of massaging to be manageable for new people.

Mike Hearn showed me some examples of using XML and XSLT to generate this sort of stuff. I wish I found out about XSLT earlier. While I don't understand the first bit of what I'm doing, it does seem like a very smart way to treat web content. I managed to figure out how to crosslink pages, and how to present clickable links for source code in the various CVS repositories. Cool stuff.

We're also moving CVS to freedesktop.org this weekend. I think I've got everything prepared well enough, and I tested the important bits.


When you've gone fishing, it's nice to come back home with a fish. I think we caught a good one. We'll be able to tell soon enough :) I'm very excited, it's nice when you can get important stuff right.


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