
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:17


You all could have told me I had been hacked, or rather, rooted, last week. What good is a weblog among the stars if the stars don't talk ?

Anyway, I should have known right from the start that the system acting funny would indicate something bigger. Everything has been re-installed now and my boss has seen the need for good intrusion denial and detection. So I installed and took the time to know some decent intrusion tools. I'd tell you which if my Hacking Linux Exposed book would allow it. But it would open me up to social hacking. Even mentioning the book is bad because then people know I probably installed tools mentioned in that book(*)

So, year++. Let's get GStreamer officially accepted world-wide. At the moment we're deciding on the right canonical name for packages and tarballs after the module split. Things start to build nicely again, I have a build script running on a few machines which even builds fresh RPM's daily if possible. We might actually be doing something resembling quality control real soon. But let's decide on the names, it's stalling us.

As for Dave/Dina, this is the year I want to see it happen. I'm going to fix up some stuff then release some form of a distribution and try my best to attract new developers. I've laid down the groundworks ok, now it's time to get it rolling.

(*)Except I didn't. Heh.


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