GNOME shootout |
I am ashamed. I haven't had a full 2.9 GNOME build done yet. I was looking at some gnome-applets build stuff today since it seemed it was about to get some fixes commited that were dubious. Which is when I noticed I don't even have a full 2.9. Sigh.
So, time to clean out the laptop. Every six months I clean out my jhbuild by doing this:
for a in *; do if test -d $a/CVS; then echo $a; cd $a; cvs diff > ../$a.diff; cd ..; fi; done
Which gives me a diff-per-module to see if I have any uncommited stuff left lying around.
After that, I do
find . -size 0 -exec rm {} \;
to remove all zero-size patches.
I know this is boring information; I'm putting it here in the hopes that in six months' time, I will just cut and paste these lines from here instead of recreating them from memory and screwing up in a myriad of ways.
After that I can start removing directories... And after that I have space for a new 2.9 build.