
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:37



I'm not sure having publically viewable ratings is such a hot idea. I'd like to be able to rate diary entries, yes, so that I can over time ignore those that I don't like reading that much. But scoring visible to everyone ? Hm, don't know. I'm not in this thing for some kind of beauty contest in any case.

source control

mglazer: in my experience advogato is a really bad source code control tool. I suggest you look into alternatives, such as CVS or Subversion.


Things have been a little quiet on this front. Stuff is picking up however, as a good friend of mine has decided he wants one. So the first outside Dave/Dina box will soon be a reality ! He even went as far as trying to get a second-hand Matrox G400 card.

This means that in the near future I will be working on making the installation better, making the apt repository available and adding some small changes to make it a little more user-friendly. I should really rework the site as well. I was hoping to first get the server online but apparently it seems the housing arrangements aren't all that easy to get set up.

Also, our hardware sponsor also found someone interested in purchasing the hardware for this box. He wants it to be a little more high-end, so I'll be working on some of the more special goodies.


We had so many scheduler problems last week that I decided to give in and work on one of the two schedulers. I had to go far to deep into thread issues (which I knew nothing about before) and seem to have uncovered nasty bugs in GLIBC. Sometimes you forget how even the basic stuff your system depends on is in constant development. I'm not sure if I really like that feeling.

In any case, I subscribed to the glibc mailing list but it's actually pretty unresponsive. Either I'm asking the wrong questions, or my questions aren't interesting or relevant. I even managed to dig up an example from their mailing list from a few years ago that seems to have similar issues as what we are currently having in GStreamer, and reposted it with some extra questions. That example still fails on my machine. No answers received though from the developers, only a few mails from another user with a problem, but in a different area.

People, please point me in the direction of a glibc hacking document that might be useful.

On another note, it's time to do prereleases of GStreamer. The scheduler issues are worrysome but do not seem to affect general usage. It's time to give the world what it deservers ;)


The wearing of pants has been postponed to Thursday at the soonest.


Went to see Femme Fatale yesterday (Spider-man was full). I feel the movie should have ended a bit before it did, right there on that bridge. The plot ends up feeling contrived. How does Apple keep getting into these movies ? Everyone was running Apple gear. I can see Apple's tag line : "The only thing sexy about Femme Fatale is the Apple gear !"


Back in the day a few girls in our town used to run a milk bar for free, just for fun. We spent many many hours there talking about stuff, playing games, watching Friends and movies and stuff ... The last one was two years ago I think.

Tonight we're going to do a reunion and we've invited some other friends over as well. It will be strange to see the original proprietors again, and I hope we will be able to recapture some of the magic that made it what it was.

In any case, you gotta love a couple of gals giving milk away for free.


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