
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:38



Exciting stuff going on. The prereleases seem of pretty good quality. I urge all of you interested to try them out and give us some feedback before we do the final release.

For bug reports, you can go to Gnome's Bugzilla or drop by on #gstreamer on irc.openprojects.net and tell us directly.

You can get source pre-releases at http://gstreamer.net/releases/0.4.0/src/.

If you're on Red Hat 7.2 or 7.3, and run Ximian or Gnomehide GNOME2, then please also take a look at our Red Hat apt repository. Setting up apt only takes a short time, and I'd appreciate it if you would try and run

apt-get install gstreamer-universe

and let me know if it works at all for you. And if you have a conflict with gstreamer-plugin-libs, remove that rpm first before doing the install.

Red Carpet

Looks like we finally got in touch with the right person at Ximian. He set up a simple cron job and did some more work, and I'm now testing the private Red Carpet channel. Stuff seems to work well, and after some tests we should be able to make it public and have people enjoy it.


jdub asked me if someone from GStreamer is going to be at the Gnome Summit in Boston. I didn't even know it was an open summit. I'm not sure he was serious about it, but we started discussing it in #gstreamer. Maybe someone of us should go, but it's pretty short notice and I don't know if anyone will be able to make the arrangements. And it would probably need some planning as well.


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