
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:40



apeiro: you stop being an uptime whore the moment you realize that due to a variable in the kernel source code your uptime spills over around 497 days. I've had this happen to two of my boxes, and they now list a pitiful 70 days, even though it's supposed to be more than 560.


The GStreamer Media Player is out. It is very alpha code. People complain about this all the time but they don't realize that for now, the player is just a test bed for core features. This is for us far more important than putting out a stable, feature-complete player. People not yet realize that GStreamer is not just a player, but aiming to be a very complete multimedia back-end.

In any case, the player works very nicely, and it is fantastic that these days I can just turn to any Red Hat computer and type

apt-get install gstreamer-universe

and a few minutes later try out the player and see it play avi files. Rock !

Now all together :

It wasn't like this
on my old eighty eighty-six

On the downside, Michael Meeks uncovered a build/link bug which is only a problem when you configure the player with a different prefix than the one for the core. We don't do that much, of course, but this is what we want app developers to do. So this is a bug nonetheless. It will require some rethinking of our linking stuff.


I've been asked if I saw the possibility of "spearheading a multimedia workshop" at the Gnome summit. Blimey ! Well, I guess I could, but that's an overly broad term, so I asked them if they could clarify a little ;)


Uraeus laughed because someone commented on the GStreamer release notes saying bitches is an immature name for a software project. Now I'm thinking about changing it again. I should grow some hair on my teeth and learn to bark.


Seems the original demo tape (the pink tape) the Pixies sent in as a demo (and from which 8 songs made it onto Come On Pilgrim) got released on CD. I have to hear that one.


Pants travelled all over the world and finally arrived !


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