
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:44



Got to sleep at 1, woke up at 4 and unable to sleep anymore. After an hour I gave up and worked on my talk some more. Good thing I did. I'm so sleep-deprived I have a hard time concentrating, so I had to add some stuff I would otherwise forget.

I had promised the Vorbis guys to help out with making RPMs. They're releasing today. They were going to release later this day, after my talk, but they moved the release point sooner, so I started frantically rechecking packages and stuff. I was trying to move libvorbisfile and libvorbisenc to separate packages, so that you could actually get them to parallel-install, but it failed. The reason is very simple : libvorbis now contains libvorbis.so.0, libvorbisfile.so.0, libvorbisenc.so.0. The new release has libvorbis staying at 0, but -file and -enc going up a few. So, since the libvorbis rpm contains all three .0 so's, and a new libvorbis rpm would contain libvorbis.so.0 and two other-numbered .so's, you can't parallel-install them. Splitting off the two latter so's doesn't help either, because you have to upgrade the base libvorbis package anyway, removing the core libvorbis.so.

This might have been different if the libvorbis so version got increased as well, or the original package for libvorbis was split out too, but right now there's no way around it. I made the final RPM's and put them online, hope they work, because I can't test them at this point. I'm due for a talk ;)


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