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A chicken’s life

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:11


What's it worth ? 1.59 euro, if I believe my supermarket.

Of course, probably a little less, given all the Value Added along the Chain before it arrives in my supermarket, plucked.

1.59 euro. 6 eggs, produced by such a chicken, are more expensive than the egg factory that is a chicken. Even though the egg factory can easily lay 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 eggs in its lifetime.

I wonder if this makes farm animals have a pecking order amongst themselves. Do cows go, "you lowly chicken, 100 grams of my shoulder is worth all of you. I stomp on thee" ?

I'm so glad I'm not a chicken.

PS: don't worry friends, I'm not turning vegetarian.


  1. Heh – I almost thought I was reading a post by Davyd.

    Comment by Ed — 2008-02-09 @ 13:44

  2. you have obviously been reading the british papers this month going on about the price of chickens in tesco and others.

    Comment by Zaheer Abbas Merali — 2008-02-09 @ 13:51

  3. I recently watched Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Chicken Out TV show and campaign ( http://www.chickenout.tv/ ), which describes the chicken situation and prices quite well. The show is about the UK, my guess is that it is even worse in Spain.

    Comment by Christof — 2008-02-09 @ 14:30

  4. how long does a chicken usually live?

    Comment by judy — 2008-10-29 @ 11:10

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