
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:03


Gnome Foundation

I got accepted into the foundation a few weeks ago. It took a while, but I'm happy about it. It's nice to be part of something bigger than yourself.


Someone is starting up a community of packagers much like Debian's system to provide decent add-ons to Red Hat. As I've been packaging more and more lately, the idea appeals a lot to me, so I decided to join the mailing list and see what happens. I hope I can convince people to work with bitches so I can put it into wider use and work out kinks.


ct has added Yellowdog Linux support and succesfully built rpms for GStreamer, so it's starting to prove it's merits. I pushed out a 0.2.9 release today after some testing and cleaning. It includes the Yellow Dog Linux stuff, so if you want to give that a try, please do. Going to install YDL on an old powerbook sometime soon.

Tried feeling good about doing a release but that failed. I think I have other stuff to worry about but stuff is dragging me down.


The good thing about ironing clothes yourself is that you become a lot more responsible in actually putting the ironed and folded clothes where they belong immediately. It also makes you respect all of the people in your life who ever ironed clothes for you.

The bad thing about ironing clothes yourself is ironing clothes.

My dad actually *likes* ironing. Guess it's not something encoded in our genetic material. Or, I am adopted. Gives a whole new meaning to the word irony. My dad is irony, I seem to be not so much so.

Today is sunday and for some reason the world around me decided to suck. It's making me very pissed off. I'm going to clean up some of the mess around me today I think - instead of trying to get work done. Today is a lost day already anyway.

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