
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:12



It's been over for more than a week already but I hadn't yet written anything about it. And now, a week later, everything seems a blur. So the blur I see is this :

  • Living in Nerd house central, with six foreigners arriving and opening up their laptop, yet still managing to make it cozy
  • Having Gman, Uraeus, andersca, hallski, rhult, kris and sxpert stay over in my house
  • Meeting Julien, Noelle (his wife) and Matthias (from Freshrpms). If you meet people in real life, it's so much easier to relate how they come across on IRC. And, we also invited ourselves at Julien's house in Spain for a Fall GStreamer multimedia gettogether.
  • Going to good talks, enjoying Michael's, Havoc's and Guenter's.
  • Having my housemate demonstrate Dave/Dina, with a lot of interested people asking questions and being impressed with the whole setup
  • Talking to Havoc and Owen about when and how and why they got into programming on Linux
  • Hearing Michael get silly about unrequited love issues and joining in the fun
  • Jamming with Gman at three o'clock in the morning and having my other housemate wake up at the noise
  • Doing an OK presentation generating a lot of interest afterwards, as well as getting me a whole bunch of questions on GStreamer issues and lots of people interested in giving it a try
  • Having the author of Juk, a KDE jukebox program, switch over to GStreamer partly. This is very important to us, because we want to work with KDE as well to get GStreamer in.
  • Having Noelle ask me if I could "show us tango" as a totally irrelevant question during my talk :-) So I showed her later; Julien, take her dancing.
  • Putting together a Gnome Gazette and having some guy freak out over the blatant sexism in it (according to him)

All in all, I had a great time. And I have Pictures online of it as well.


And right now I'm in France having a great time snowboarding. Right now I'm too tired from yesterday's going out, so I'm sitting here at these nifty windowmaker/Linux terminals, typing in mozilla, and it Just Works. I wonder how many people use these things and actually realize they're not using Windows. They probably feel something eerie but can't put their finger on it... That's great though. These things just work.

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