I get such a kick… |
... out of watching Flumotion's interface for the streamer components when a big event is going on. The platform's launching streamers all over, and as soon as a new one starts, you just see the numbers flying up. Look, another one just started, and in its first minute it went up to 280 connections, and still climbing. For a 500 kbit/sec stream that means it goes from 0 to 140 Mbit/sec on that machine just for this stream.
We jumped up in a few hours to a good 14 Gbit/sec, which is still climbing.
The event in question, of course, is one of hope for the future - Obama's inauguration - streamed with Python, Twisted, and GStreamer.
So where is that stream?
Comment by x — 2009-01-20 @ 18:52
x, our customers like RTVE and Telecinco were streaming it.
Comment by Thomas — 2009-01-22 @ 11:36