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GUADEC fights

Filed under: Conference,GNOME — Thomas @ 15:22


People have wondered if there will be more fighting at GUADEC.

I can happily announce that all parties involved have done their utmost to make sure it won't happen again. I've decided to go to Europython in Vilnius instead, and Johan has gone back to being a professional vagabond and will only arrive in Europe after GUADEC finishes.

We can't make any promises not to kick each other's ass (especially since we're again working on the same project), but at least none of you will be forced to watch it, or see a beautiful sand logo get destroyed.


Filed under: Hacking,Python — Thomas @ 08:18


...is alive again! After two years of once in a while poking the author asking for my six patches to get merged in, I recently got given commit access and admin rights, and between the three of us we started talking about doing an actual release!

I just commited a patch for my own bug (God, I'd forgotten how much SF's bug tracker sucked ass).

Now I have to hurry the hell up to get the other five patches in there before the release deadline, which is scheduled for halfway through July.

In the distance I can hear Andrew Patrick Wingo's maniacal laughter...


Filed under: Spain,Travel — Thomas @ 22:51


I'm glad the Eurocup is over. Our pilot informed us twice about the game, and the Aerobus stopped a few blocks before Placa Espanya. The place was packed to the gills, people climbing the monuments, and everyone shooting fireworks.

I had managed to avoid San Joan this year only to come home to this new warzone :)

I was hoping to go to bed early and get a good night's rest. Doesn't sound like that's in the cards.

Congrats to Spain, and now I'm going to enjoy my next two years of no-soccer-craziness. As if.


Filed under: Fluendo,Flumotion,Python — Thomas @ 22:46


Flumotion is hiring again!

We're looking for talented, motivated and passionate developers who want a
healthy mix of working on a real commercial product and platform, and the
Free Software technologies they're based on.

Flumotion SL is a Spanish company, located in Barcelona, and part of the
Fluendo group.

Flumotion is our UNIX-based streaming server, written in Python, on top of
GStreamer and Twisted. Our platform is a collection of Linux servers
distributed over Spain, as we're looking to expand our business further
into Europe. It handles several Gbit/s of streaming traffic.

We are also working on a commercial version of Flumotion, to be released later
this year.

We are looking for developers to:

  • work on the core technology: the server, GStreamer integration, the platform, scalability
  • work on the box project: web frontend, usability
  • work on the web projects: our website, our customer portal, and our backoffice

Python experience is not required, but definitely a plus.

If you like working with other hackers, on real-world projects, while looking
out over the sea and enjoying the good weather of Barcelona, contact us! Feel
free to drop me a mail at thomas (at) flumotion (dot) com if you prefer to
drop off your CV in a more human mailbox.

For more information, as well as complete job descriptions, see our
Hiring page.

Revisor Reredux

Filed under: Fedora,Hacking — Thomas @ 13:06


I followed Owen Taylor's advice and tried livecd-creator instead. He gave me a one liner that worked from an installed package. That's how it should be - a simple no-frills "see ? this thing works !" experience. Contrasted with the 8 hours I spent on getting revisor to do something, this was a world of difference.

In a few hours I had set up a local mirror to get packages from, and created two specialized live CD's. Now I'm rebuilding a whole bunch of packages to include on the CD's and then I'm ready to give it a go.

Anyone in the know who can tell me if the real Fedora Live CD's are spun with livecd-tools or revisor ?

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