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Package repository updated for Fedora 16

Filed under: Fedora,mach,moap,morituri — Thomas @ 09:38


Following up on last night's post, I updated my package repositories with all packages I currently work on before sending them off to Fedora.

The repository is updated with chromaprint, gstreamer-chromaprint, longomatch, and some of my own projects: moap, mach, morituri, and savon.

Mach 1.0.0 “Madera” released

Filed under: Fedora,mach,Releases — Thomas @ 23:56


Another November, another Fedora. 16 came out, so it was time to update mach again.

And today I thought, is there any reason mach isn't 1.0 yet ? Am I going to do anything more to this piece of code before I want to call it that ?

And the answer is, no. It's the first Python application I've written, and I'm not particularly proud of the code, but I'm happy I've made good use of it for so long, and that it helped push packaging approaches forward and sparked ideas for the Fedora build system.

Since I didn't like the original code for mach2 (there was a version 1 which was Makefile-based), I started a rewrite with unit tests, better code layout, decent classes for abstracting distro-specific stuff, and so on.

The experience of how mock was created based off mach2 was a slightly sour one however, so I wasn't really motivated to finish the mach3 rewrite. Sometimes that's the drawback of open source - sure, forking is specifically allowed, so don't whine about it when it happens. But when it's done gratuitously, with no serious attempt at collaborating, it doesn't feel like it's in the spirit of open source.

Anyway, that was a long time ago. mach2 as it is today, is done. It really only needs updating for newer versions. As long as it works for me, it's unlikely I will continue mach3, but who knows?

Enjoy the release!

GStreamer Conference number 2

Filed under: Conference,Flumotion,GStreamer — Thomas @ 14:28


I'm in Prague right now for the second GStreamer conference. Prague is as pretty as I remember it from eighteen years ago when I was still in high school and we had our yearly school trip.

It's great to see a mix of familiar and new faces again. 11 years ago GStreamer was made public, and I joined a year later around the 0.1.1 release if I recall. And now it's this huge living breathing thing.

Tomorrow I will be giving a talk about Flumotion here, at 12.00 in the main room. If you're interested in GStreamer beyond mere playback, this talk is for you. The only sad part is that my good friend Jan Schmidt will be talking about Bluray at the same time, but I'm relying on Ubicast to record it properly so I can see it later!

About an anime

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 20:42


We had a problem with one of the encoders producing artifacts under certain conditions. It was hard to reproduce, but it usually happened on cartoons, so some of the web developers helped the core team out to see where they were triggered and spent half an hour watching anime cartoons looking for artifacts.

The boss walked past when one of them was watching the cartoon. A week later, he informed the development manager that his guys were watching cartoons on the job. It wasn't his business, of course, but the boss thought he should know.

So the development manager, in his next sitdown with the developer, said: "Don't get upset, but I wanted to let you know that the boss has caught you watching anime at work..."

Needless to say the developer was rightfully upset, wondering how the boss could possibly think he was stupid enough to be watching cartoons for fun in plain sight at work...

About an intern

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 19:39


Our company has a history of working with interns, thanks to our marketing manager. One day, our Operational Manager got an intern. He's easy-going and gets along with everyone in the company. The intern came for her first day, and joined him in a bunch of meetings as he took the time to explain what sort of things the Operations department actually does.

At the end of the day, he spoke the now-famous words "Espero verte mañana" - I hope to see you tomorrow!

He didn't. She never came back!

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