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Present Perfect

Work weekend

Filed under: couchdb,DAD,GStreamer,Hacking,Music — Thomas @ 10:18


Since we are doing our yearly business planning weekend later this week, I had reserved the weekend to do work - mainly, put together eight (strike that, nine, our CEO added one at the 11th hour Sunday evening) presentations. But I wasn't getting into the groove of things, and procrastination hit.

So I wondered, what's the single most important thing that's been on my mind and that I'd do right now if I didn't have anybody else to answer to ?

And the answer was simple - I started another rewrite of DAD (Digital Audio Database) last year, this time based on CouchDB. I was in the middle of splitting up into a core (defining all base classes and simple implementations without any dependencies; for example, a pickle-based storage of the mixing data), a dadgst module (for a GStreamer-based player, since I will also have a pure web-based player), and a dadcouch module (for a CouchDB storage backend).

Before the split-up it was mostly a hardcoded GStreamer player playing from the pickle file, and a bunch of scripts to analyze files and put them into the pickle. I had not properly finished the CouchDB conversion - mostly, a bunch of methods that previously were synchronous now had to be made asynchronous with deferreds, and that was causing some conceptual issues (like, how to a lot of deferreds together - when chaining doesn't work, and parallellizing brings down your computer).

So, that's what I wanted to do this weekend first - get the couchdb backend to a state where it can select tracks slicing the audiofiles and providing the mixing information, and use the data from the old DAD database of now seven years ago. I want to hear those old songs again, according to my preference, and properly mixed. And with that in place, after a few hours of hacking, I could focus myself completely on the presentation preparing.

Well, completely except for the baby visits, the family lunching, and the pregnant friend visiting.

If you like looking at not-completely-finished-code that probably only I can get running usefully anyway, start here.

LongoMatch 0.16.0 packaged

Filed under: Fedora,GStreamer — Thomas @ 19:26


After recording a video at work this week, I needed a way to go through it and identify interesting points. So Andoni suggested I gave LongoMatch a try and package it for Fedora.

LongoMatch is a digital coach, useful to tag and analyze sport matches. We didn't actually play sports, but it was still useful for my purpose. I now have thirty short clips that someone else can now edit into a useful video.

Packages are available for Fedora 13 and 14 in my repo.

Evolution mailing iPhone

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 23:20


I must be missing something blindingly obvious. I'm sure at least one of the Evolution hackers has an iPhone. But as far as I can tell, Evolution cannot send mails with attachments to iPhones such that the iPhone can show the attachment.

It looks like Evolution can only send multipart/mixed, and Mail.app on iPhone only understands multipart/alternative.

Now, far be it from me to be surprised at Apple not understanding established standards. But really - am I the only one having this problem ?

PyChecker 0.8.19 “Two Seven” released

Filed under: Hacking,pychecker,Python,Releases — Thomas @ 19:23


The first PyChecker release done by yours truly is out the door. You can download the source or install the Fedora 12/13/14 package from my package repository. I hope to push it in Fedora as soon as possible.

This release collects two years of bug fixes, and adds support for Python 2.7, which is now the default in Fedora 14.

I already have a few additional local patches that bring out a bunch of new (and correct) warnings in Flumotion, so I'll probably not wait another two years for the next release. My goal is to work towards a clean check of Flumotion.

PyChecker pre-release

Filed under: Hacking,pychecker,Python,Releases — Thomas @ 00:23


After more than two years, it's high time another PyChecker release is made. The previous stable release, 0.8.18, does not work at all with Python 2.7. I also implemented a slew of opcodes, and I fixed one particular bug a long time ago where modules with the same name (in different packages) where hiding each other's errors. Especially in Flumotion where most components have an admin_gtk.py, this was very common.

This is going to be my first PyChecker release, so I would appreciate it if you could give this prerelease a whirl and see how it works for you. I'm especially interested in hearing from projects that used to use pychecker but have stopped using it because it hasn't seen releases the past years.

Download the pre-release. The same directory has a src.rpm and a noarch.rpm for Fedora 14.

I plan to release this Saturday.

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