
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:46



Yesterday I had to take the train somewhere, and since I don't have a laptop anymore, I decided I was going to print out the GStreamer manual and check if it's up to date and correct where necessary.

I didn't really know before that of course that the documentation build had bitrotten again. I remember spending a lot of time the last time around on them, so I wasn't looking forward to just trying to quickfix it.

So instead I took it apart and rebuilt from the ground up. It did take quite some time, but in the end we once again have perfect .ps, .pdf and html documentation from a few docbook xml files.

Images are generated from either .png or .fig, and I completely checked if it works in all cases (for example, $(builddir) != $(srcdir))

Having done that, I was able to print the documentation, and having read through the manual, there are some obvious things that need fixing, and some more subtle things. It will make a good exercise to fix up the docs.


So, I started Spanish classes this week. On the one hand I've always wanted to learn Spanish, because it's a language that attracts me. Some of my favourite movies are in Spanish as well. On the other hand, I kind of enjoyed getting by with the little Spanish I knew.

In any case, Spanish seems doable to learn. I'll help myself along by setting my desktop language to Spanish, and by watching Buffy and West Wing with Spanish subtitles.


Spent quite some time last weekend fixing and closing bugs for 0.6.4. I'm down to one more bug, and I'm thinking I will punt on it.

I started fixing stuff in the python bindings as well. I've really enjoyed developing with them, but now I've hit some bugs in GStreamer that require some low-level fixing.

Meanwhile, we've started discussing if GStreamer 0.8 should go into GNOME 2.6. Maybe that's a good idea, but it will take some work...


New Jeff Buckley double CD out and I didn't even know it: the Sin-é sessions. There was an EP before, but the two disc set contains a whole slew of songs. They really capture him at a time where he was just digging out his own style, and it's obvious from the recordings that he felt at ease there. Very nice.

Some of the songs on it are amazing. I shall be released is my favourite for the moment...


Went to see "Jeux D'Enfants" yesterday. Very very good. Easily in my top-twenty. Also, similar to some of my other favourites, like Toto Le Héros, Amélie and Los Amantes Del Circulo Polar. I seem to have a thing for magic-realistic movies.


Been getting some patches and feedback from Matthias from FreshRPMS. I added some more features, fixed some bugs, added Fedora Core 0.94, and I hope to release very soon again.


doesn't really feel like you have more time. Strange.

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