
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:51



Arrived today. Went blading with Matthias, he tried to teach me the basics. I didn't fall at all, that's a good start. It being 17 degrees out here, and me skating in my t-shirt, I can definitely see how I would like living here. Tomorrow I start Hunt For The Great Apartment.


Got my new laptop today. IBM T-40. Most stuff seems to work fine. XVideo and opengl worked out of the box. Sound works. The only thing that doesn't seem to work is the internal wireless. I even managed to insert my previous big laptop drive instead of the 40 GB IBM drive. My music is back as well.

Peter, this shot is for you. I especially spent some time fixing the gallery setup on the temporary server for you. Well, that and for my girlfriend - I need a way to send pictures of the apartments I visit to her.


For those that realized that The Afghan Whigs where the best band in the world, or for those that at least can see how one would think that: Greg Dulli has a new Twilight Singers album out, called Blackberry Belle. I've been listening to it for six days straight and it's awesome. I've even uploaded the album to my temp server so I could get it here in Barcelona for these few days without it.

Apparently they come to Belgium January 2nd. That sucks - we're having a new year's eve party here in Barcelona with a bunch of friends. Hope I can make it back for that show...

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