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Our little platform is streaming the big Lawrence Lessig tonight

Filed under: Flumotion — Thomas @ 16:51


I've seen other people blog about it as well, so I shouldn't stay behind - obviously it's noteworthy.

In a good seven hours, our platform will be streaming a talk by the eminent Mr. Lessig from Harvard. Apparently the stream is going to be projected in various locations around the world as well where people will gather to follow the speech. While we're only the technological medium and hence a small piece in making this possible, it still makes me proud to be part of this chain. It's moments like these participating in a chain of openness that make me think business and technology can be used for the greater good.

For more info, see our blog. I'll be tuning in after landing in Brussels at midnight tonight!

1 Comment »

  1. It did great, I streamed from London and it worked wonderfully. Great work!

    Comment by Máirín Duffy — 2010-02-26 @ 02:13

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