
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:59



We spent the first week cleaning and retouching walls and stuff preparing to paint the living room over the weekend. I'm so happy to have Dave/Dina in cases like these: just unpack some boxes, plug in some stuff, start the computer, and use the remote to set it to play songs I've marked with a score on Good between 0.7 and 1, with just three button presses.

Manual labor is so much nicer to do with some sweet music to do it to.

Friday we went out to buy paint for the living room and sleeping room. I was kind of dubious about the quantity of paint he was giving us, it didn't really seem enough, but he assured us we would be fine, even with two layers. He also mixed two different kinds of gray from the same formula, blaming the computer.

It seemed to me like he forgot to check if there was enough yellow coloring paste left, because after he made the second pot he refilled it. But I'm not complaining, he spent fifteen minutes adding yellow until he claimed the colours were the same and I had had enough of my time wasted that I tended to agree with him even though I knew it was not he same.

So, back to the apartment, and on Saturday we started painting the one wall that was going to be in gray. We made it halfway through the second of two cans of paint on the first layer. And with this being a holiday weekend with Monday being some Spanish national holiday you could guess where this was going.

Anyway, we were lucky to have enough white for the rest of the living room, so by Sunday we could at least install the sofa (which I love - it is huge, it can fit four people, and a grown man can sleep in it, even a big man like Uraeus on, say, New Year's Eve.

So Sunday night, I put together the table and installed a TV and the PlayStation 2, and played SSX3 for an hour. This game is so incredibly good, such a nice flow to it, and such a sense of achievement. And I thought I wouldn't like snowboarding games.


Friday during lunch break I went home to try and get ADSL configured. Telefonica has some nice features on their website. With my invoice, I was able to log in somewhere, and figure out the status of my ADSL, which was somewhere halfway to completion. It also listed some configuration details, but I wasn't able to find more lowlevel details, like whether it uses PPPoE or PPPoA, VCI/VPI settings, and so on.

The USB kit I received also only works on Windows, so that was pretty useless to me. I tried talking with Telefonica support on the phone, but they couldn't tell me which sort of PPP it was, or what ATM settings I needed, and wouldn't help me once they figured out I wasn't trying to get their USB kit running.

Anyways, after lots of net hunting, I figured out that it was in fact PPPoE, and that I just needed to set VCI 32 and VPI 8 (as opposed to Belgium, where it's 35/8), and after that it Just Worked.

Dolphy said that I was a fucking lucky guy. I'd like to think it was nothing more than talent :)


Had some stuff pending for commit as well. The gnome-audio-profiles stuff I retouched this weekend and sent for approval to rburton and Ted Gould so they can take a look and so I can merge it into gnome-media. After that I need to add some consumers; gnome-sound-recorder and sound-juicer are the first (so God can stop killing kittens on my account). After that, some new simple stuff like nautilus extensions to convert any type of sound to any of the profiles.

It seems my error handling stuff is lost, the hard disk in my desktop seems to have taken offense at the move to Barcelona. I should copy the disk lowlevel first before e2fsck makes more of a mess of it. It should be doable to recreate it from memory though.

As for work, we need to discuss what we want to do the next month. ds has made a nice inventory of what needs to be done for the API freeze. but we need to finish things there. And I also need to get us moved to freedesktop.org sometime soon.

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