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Rebuilding older rpms

Filed under: Fedora — Thomas @ 13:56


Today I needed an xml diff tool. There seem to be an xmldiff and a diffxml, neither of them packaged by Fedora at the moment. I found an old src.rpm for Fedora 6 for xmldiff 0.6.8

The src.rpm doesn't rebuild as is for various reasons: its %check stage imports unittest2, so I disabled check. Then it didn't find debuglist.files, so I disabled building a debug package. And then it found an installed egg file which it didn't like, so I disabled checking for installed files.

Since I'm going to forget how I did this in the future when I will need this again for some obscure reason, and because if you ever build rpms you may find this useful, here is the command that did it for me for Fedora 15:

rpmbuild --rebuild -D '%check exit 0' -D 'debug_package %{nil}' -D '_unpackaged_files_terminate_build exit 0' xmldiff-0.6.8-1.fc6.src.rpm

Now, back to comparing xml files.

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