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morituri 0.2.1 “married” released

Filed under: Hacking,morituri,Python,Releases — Thomas @ 09:02


I finally managed to set aside a few hours this weekend to fix some smaller issues in morituri and put out a new release. (For those who don't know, morituri is an accurate CD ripper for Linux)

Life's been a little busy lately and my spare time hacking has been suffering. But I'm happy I got a nice stretch of hacking hours in on morituri, and hope to repeat it in the next few weeks to knock out some more complicated issues, like tackling the reports of problems with latest pycdio releases.

The most important change is probably the filtering of non-FAT and other special characters, which I ended up doing a lot like sound-juicer does, because I trust Ross to have looked at this in detail.

In addition, after curiously reading Lionel Dricot's posts about Flattr, I decided to get a little more serious about trying Flattr again (I had only flattr'd about 4 things so far due to lack of content). I integrated Flattr in my wordpress install, upgrading it in the process, and installed the chrome extension which should give me many more options to flattr other people's content - for example, github repos.

So if you like morituri, go to this post on my website and click the Flattr button you see at the bottom of this post or on the morituri homepage!

I don't expect to get rich off it, but I think it's a nice way of showing you appreciate someone's work.


  1. Congratulations to the release and also the other thing.

    I wish you had created this before I ripped all my CDs.

    Comment by Christof — 2013-07-15 @ 10:50

  2. Sorry! Although morituri has been around for a while now, so you must have ripped yours a long time ago. You could create a Lego Mindstorms robot just like me to rip them… Thanks for the flattr!

    Comment by Thomas — 2013-07-16 @ 17:31

  3. Are you going to release a Fedora 19 version of morituri?

    Comment by Espen — 2013-07-15 @ 11:33

  4. Fedora 19 package is in my repository now. Give it a try and if it works, feel free to flattr me to let me know!

    Comment by Thomas — 2013-07-17 @ 21:32

  5. Must have been around 2009, just after I did my tapes: http://christof.damian.net/2009/07/big-digitization-of-cassette-tapes.html

    Maybe I do the CDs again when I have enough space for the lossless files.

    Comment by Christof — 2013-07-16 @ 21:04

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