Another weekend, some more work on my project. I've used vcr a lot in development and I've decided to finally make a module for it.
It was hard and interesting, because it needs a lot of other rpm's to function properly. Not the least of which is avifile. avifile is getting ready for a 0.6 release. This should be a good thing; however, in practice, it means that there are a few RPM's out there for the older version, and there are also a few RPM's of CVS snapshots for the 0.6 version. On top of that, vcr is released against the author's own CVS snapshots, which aren't easily built or rpm'd, and so on ... You get the picture.
I suppose it makes for a quicker development cycle altogether, because with WebVCR depending on vcr and vcr depending on avifile and avifile depending on other stuff, it's a good thing that people can work on their software in an ongoing process.
Still, it's a good reason to gripe about this kind of stuff. Anyways, I finally decided on using an older vcr (Bram released a new version of vcr just as I finished writing an article explaining the RPM's !) with the older avifile from a Mandrake RPM.