GStreamer packages
Ok, time to make our apt repository for Red Hat public. We packaged a large set of dependency RPM's for some of the GStreamer plug-ins. More will be added in the future. It would be great if some of you could test it and give us feedback.
If you're scared of apt for rpm, don't be. Apt is really easy. I've been using it the last few months and I'm very happy with it. It doesn't interfere with other package management programs, and as long as your database is relatively clean, and you didn't force-install any packages, you'll be happy. These days I even
apt-get update
with Ximian's Gnome 2 snapshots ;)
A quick guide :
- Get apt for your flavour of Red Hat. Start at the FreshRPMS apt repository. Follow the links at the bottom of the page to get the right apt for your Red Hat version (7.2, 7.2 with upgrades, 7.3), and download the apt RPM. Install it.
- Edit the file
. If you're on Red Hat 7.2, add the lines
rpm http://gstreamer.net/apt/ redhat-72-i386 deps rpm-src http://gstreamer.net/apt/ redhat-72-i386 deps to this file. If you're on Red Hat 7.3, just change "72" to 73".
- Run
apt-get update
- Try it out by running
apt-get install swh-plugins
(a collection of LADSPA plug-ins) and see it pull in whatever it needs.
We'll be adding GStreamer itself as well (probably for both rh72 and rh73, and for Ximian Gnome2 and Gnomehide) to these repositories when we do the new release. I'm also considering a "gstreamer-universe" RPM that pulls in all of the other GStreamer packages, so you have a quick way of getting everything there is to get ;)
Feedback on the packages and the process would be greatly appreciated !
The release is now so close around the corner I can smell it. Some very important bugs have been fixed in the last week, and it seems we are winning the war on entropy. We're not there yet, but it's making huge improvements. Let's get this baby out !