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Twisted and Fedora

Filed under: General,Python — Thomas @ 00:32


The last package part of the Twisted splitup in Fedora Extras has finally hit devel and FC6: the python-twisted umbrella package that pulls in all the others so that the upgrade from previous python-twisted (Sumo) packages is seamless.

Of course, in the long time it took to siphon all packages through, the Twisted team has released a new version. So my work is not done yet - but I will put off updating them to next week when I'm in a more comfortable place to do the work.

With that, it is finally getting time to take a look at how we can split up Flumotion so that people can install manager and worker pieces completely without any GTK/X dependencies. Twisted has split in pieces, pygtk has split off pygobject, so everything is ready now.

Flumotion 0.4.0 is right around the corner, Zaheer has done the hard testing work and Andy's been fixing robustness-related issues all over for the last month. I should get off my ass and start documenting some more.

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