
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:48



It's been three days of highs and lows. The sort of stuff that makes life worth living.


I got treated like a kid by my boss at work. At one point he actually told me to shut up because he didn't want to hear about it anymore.

The thing is, it was because I was supposed to program something on a hardware device, which he thought was possible, and which I confirmed with the manufacturer to be impossible. So I tried other ways, but none would work or they'd be very ugly hacks that would fail in lots of other ways. My mistake was that I didn't call him up directly to let him know.

He was very mad because, from his side, he figured my job was to come up with a plan to do what he wanted done, whatever the cost. In his mind he needed a fix for this problem very soon, but since he left me out of the loop on all of that, not telling me how important this is and all, I made the wrong call and continued work on other urgent matters.

So really, the only thing I can come up with I did wrong is I forgot to call him soon enough. He had no call in lashing out like that; he uses me too much like a band-aid he applies when he sees no other way out.

Maybe that's a sign that I should start considering options. I don't get paid enough to be treated like this. The reason I'm doing this job is because it happened to be challenging and I got the respect I deserved for the job I did. If those reasons are gone, then the sub-par pay isn't going to cut it.


Later on in the night, just before going to bed, I see someone dropping in in the #vorbis channel and complaining very whiningly about them. Bear in mind, it's the first person dropping in experiencing the problem he has, but he assures us that he has tried helping a lot of people with the same problem. Now, the problem is that the rpm's I made pick up an alsa library dependency. I provide RPM's for that at the GStreamer apt repository, as I explained in the readme I put up with the RPM's. The readme never made it onto vorbis.com, and I suppose that would've helped this guy complaining.

In any case, he was very abusive to me, told me I didn't care about users at all, without knowing me, and taking it way too far. He got me really mad, and I went to bed being angry about how people sometimes treat you like shit for the work you do voluntarily. Now, this guy pays me even less than my boss, so I'm going to ignore him in the future.


Yesterday, one of my close friends got married. They asked me to read in the service, even when knowing about my track record for being late. I was on time ;) Everything went great - the wedding ceremony was good, the party was excellent. For those that were there or just plain curious, there are pictures. We danced all night long, and it was a rare treat to be among friends and just have a lot of fun. It had been some time since I had such a good time.

Lazy Sunday

Today was the perfect lazy sunday afternoon. Got up really late, uploaded pictures, rented a great movie, Speaking Of Sex (which rates an undeserved 4.9 at this point). It was hilarious and very whacky.

My girlfriend made excellent burrito's (she's the best cook), and all day long everyone was playing SSX Tricky on the Playstation, yelling and shouting and just having a good time. See, you can play these games with a lot of people without ending up in arguments...


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