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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:58


gcc 3.x includes

gcc 3.x by default warns about including directories that are already listed in the system include directories. A lot of projects provide .m4's which always gives out the path to the installed header by default, whether it's in a system include dir or not. I think they might be correct in doing so, since the package itself has, at install time, no way of knowing what gcc will be used. The detection of whether it's a system include dir or not can only be reasonably done at configure time. It seems pkg-config already does this, but I don't know how it does this.

Anyway, since in GStreamer we depend on lots of outside libraries, we need to take care of this. So I wrote up a little .m4 macro for Autostar Sandbox. I should really do a release of some sorts for this, even though it's a natural fit to only work on this in CVS.

In any case, the macro is simple and effective; it queries cpp for the system include dirs and removes them from the given CFLAGS. If you know of any improvements I could make, let me know. And if you

  • work on a project that installs an .m4 for development
  • work on a project that uses other libraries which provide CFLAGS that give warnings

try this macro out and feel free to stick it in.

(peeking ahead to the next bit) You know, if I was bytesplit, I would probably just complain, call the gcc maintainers crackheads, and wonder why on earth they didn't mail me to let me know they were planning on doing this. As it stands though I'd rather roll with the punches and think of creative ways to deal with it.


is living proof that there are still people who

  • fail to understand basic concepts of services they use, even though they have been explained in that same service by the maintainer of that service
  • easily make false conjectures about the services they use
  • don't take the time to verify these assumptions
  • start accusing "other people" wildly on the base of these assumptions

Bytesplit, there are some character traits I see in some of the good hackers around that are very critical if you want to be both good and social :

  • understanding the thing you're working with
  • not blaming everything else for what goes wrong with you or the thing you're working on (like you just did with raph)
  • verify your assumptions before acting on them (makes you look like less of an ass when you act on them)
  • even when you find faults or disagree with someone, tell them so in a polite way, instead of insulting both them and Mother Theresa.

I wonder why you want to be part of this community if you keep criticizing it like this. You sure you want to even be here ?

My predictions for the nearby future regarding bytesplit :

  • bjf, chipx86 and maybe even me get told off for the way we try to explain him what he has done wrong this time.
  • I might NOT get told off but ignored because I've said he's going to tell us off
  • bytesplit will apologize in his diary (but in a clumsy "you didn't explain to me personally how this rating system works" way) to raph, realizing himself that he was wrong in a major way, but not letting it come out like that
  • bytesplit will continue to post some other entries about various stuff like other people do here, being a regular contributor, and hopefully gain "open source maturity".
  • rinse, repeat

Metal Gear Solid 2

Since buying this game, my housemate has hardly stopped playing it. On monday he started somewhere in the evening and stopped at six AM. Yesterday he played all day, stopping at three AM. As a testament to how good this game really is, he told me that he went to sleep not because he wanted to go to sleep, but because the game actually started pestering him about not having a social life, and playing for too damn long, and letting him know there's a world out there. I told him I thought he just hallucinated it himself, but he swears it's in there. I'm wondering if I really have to play it for ten hours straight to see this happen ?

He also said he did want to continue the game because he was at a point where he's apparently butt naked, and the game makes a point of choosing camera angles to not reveal his more private bits. I want to see that ! And I want to find out if he's pulling my leg or not ;)

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