Advantages of working from home #192381 |
Being able to put on a Live DVD of a band you like (in this case, Mew from Copenhagen) and crank up the volume. It creates an excellent head space and atmosphere to get work done.
Next up - Jeff Buckley at the Metro in Chicago.
Funny - when the font chosen for the credits is so big that assistant grip gets shortened to "ass. grip" I don't know if it's the Danish sense of humour or just a funny accident.
I’m sure the neighbours agree.
Comment by fons — 2008-05-15 @ 10:44
Since they’re not working at home, that’s probably not a problem :)
Comment by Brice — 2008-05-15 @ 14:12
I was listening to music (on headphones!) yesterday and my coworker from two cubicles away came over and pointedly dropped a pair of noise-cancelling headphones on my desk.
One day I will perhaps find a way to work from home. :)
Comment by Thomas Thurman — 2008-05-15 @ 15:16