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GNOME’s fast user switching

Filed under: GNOME — Thomas @ 11:52


is a great feature for my home computer, where Kristien uses it when I'm not there.

But the applet insists on taking up 20% of my top bar just because there is no way to have it not display my full name. I'm pretty sure this used to be configurable somewhere and I could ask to only show the pictures - really, that's quite enough for the two of us, Kristien can tell the difference between me and her from the picture.

But even besides that, who the hell needs their name in the panel ??? If it were to change as often as the time did, I could see the logic. But. It's. My. Name. If I ever get to forgetting it, I'm sure I' ll be more busy wondering why I am holding an oval object with buttons in my right hand, and banging my head against the rectangle with knobs because I've forgotten how to type.


  1. > “But the applet insists on taking up 20% of my top bar just because there is no way to have it not display my full name.”

    Click with the right mousbutton on your name or in other words onto the fast-user-switch-applet and go into the properties. There you can choose whether you see the full name, a “user” or just a icon…

    Comment by Christoph Langner — 2008-06-05 @ 12:31

  2. > “But even besides that, who the hell needs their name in the panel ???”

    Apparently, Mac OS X users, because that’s where the author stole the idea (just google for any screenshot of a mac). Surely it must be a great idea, Apple did it! :rolleyes:

    Comment by RubenV — 2008-06-05 @ 12:57

  3. I guess it i for those who do not know who is currently log into the computer.

    Comment by Uzytkownik — 2008-06-05 @ 13:22

  4. If anything, I’d want the _username_ there, not the full name.

    (I have several usernames for different purposes, with no/same real name)

    Comment by Mark — 2008-06-05 @ 16:23

  5. RubenV,

    Actually, I own and use a Mac. And in my original implementation there is an option to configure it to show the word “User” or just an icon, as Christoph noted.

    Comment by James Cape — 2008-06-05 @ 16:36

  6. > “But the applet insists on taking up 20% of my top bar just because there is no way to have it not display my full name.”

    Applet configuration aside, this is why we have the ‘drawer’ applet

    Comment by Tom Purnell — 2008-06-06 @ 23:12

  7. See




    Comment by Ray — 2008-06-08 @ 00:19

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