Arrived in Dublin this morning, met up with the early arrivers at Trinity. I'm stressed out completely about my talk since I'm still fixing bugs in the editor instead of writing slides.
Ximian Desktop 2
What can I say ? Sweetness all the way. Nice. Responsive. Nice. Sweet. Good job, guys !
Even better that I can thank them personally here :)
Red Hat 9, Ximian Desktop 2, and apt
People might have noticed that apt stops being useful after installing XD2. Apt seems to think the state is inconsistent. I rebuilt Red Hat's db4 so that it doesn't obsoletes: db1. If you have this problem, you might like my temporary workaround.
Found out about this GStreamer-based player program through Freshmeat. The author is in our irc channel but apparently didn't mention it :) Anyway, been playing music with it for the past two days because it would have been really lame to go into GUADEC and use XMMS for music. Rhythmbox will take some time again to set up since I'll have to repackage libmusicbrainz.