
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 13:21



Had a good two pre-conference days, meeting up with old acquaintances and trying to get my presentation written. Spent some time with most people, really, talking a bit to the Ximian and Red Hat crew as well as all the other non-corporate GNOMErs (like Hallski and the other Swedes, and jdub and Gman, who's organising the whole thing. Also met up with all of the other GStreamer people slowly trickling in.

The one thing I really miss about my job is not being around people that are working on similar things and know about the same things as I do, and I can learn from.

Trying to get my talk written in OpenOffice, but it has a fairly high crash rate. Saving my presentation is impossible, it crashes every single time. Even worse, it then brings up bug-buddy and gdb automatically, and if you kill those you lose your temporary saves.

Luckily, Michael Meeks arrived this morning and now I had my chance to poke at him for crashing software. He always does that to me (though playfully). He tells me I should remove the old .openoffice directory and then everything should be fine. I'm not going to do that just now since I don't actually have my presentation on my disk apart from the temporary files OpenOffice saves and I don't know how to get at those other than starting the application.

So I'll just march on through the regular crashing, do the presentation, then figure out a way to fix this without losing it.

Nobody at Ximian noticed because they mostly tested fresh installs, not upgrades. Makes sense, somehow.

So now I'm stressing out about my talk later on, making slides, and getting into the habit of saving regularly, even though it crashes, in the hopes that I'll have a finished set of slides soon and can test my presentation.

Why on earth did Gman put me in the really big 400 people room ??? I might love him later, but I hate him now :)

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