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Present Perfect

sabbat part 5

Filed under: Life — Thomas @ 19:41


I caved in and finally joined Facebook. If you hug me I'll hit you - in person. I did so after Kristien joined. After two days she was all excited about having 66 friends.

She had time to make 66 friends, but didn't have time to put her personal status as "in a relationship". I set her in her place by changing my status, and apparently you're allowed to say who you're in a relationship with. That person then needs to approve - smart move! I had virtual sex with Kristien by running into her room and shouting at her to accept me.

I didn't yet see if it's possible to be in a relationship with more than one person. I'm only allowed one neighbourhood though - I would like to set both my neighbourhoods.

I can see how people waste hours on this site.

Yesterday we watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang on Bluray (now that we have the big TV). It was an excellent movie - I laughed out loud when Iron Man pees on the dead girl by accident. I have no idea how they got away with it.

It's hard to find decent Bluray movies - and to think it's been out for so long. Will it get better ? Answers on a post card!

sabbat part 4

Filed under: Life — Thomas @ 18:12


Things marked off my todo list today:

  • Release mach
  • Register address change (I now officially don't live in Gent anymore, after 5 years of unoficially not living there)
  • Get black satin paint for the toilet shelves
  • Register with the house owner's 'company'
  • Change CPU heatsink on home server to be more silent
  • Call Kristien's dad to arrange for Saturday's work-around-the-house

While I'm making progress this week, there's no way I'm going to get everything I planned done.

mach 0.9.3 – “Niger”

Filed under: Hacking,Releases — Thomas @ 18:09


Sabbaticals are good, when work leaves you alone. After two days of being pulled in to work on problems, I had another productive day of working on "other" projects.

To ease me in gently, I did a new mach release to update for Fedora 8 and 9. I'm thinking of updating my personal repository again because I just do too much ad-hoc building on my various computers, and it just makes more sense to do it in an organized way. We'll see if I can keep it up!

Next on the list - a MOAP release, finally. Cross fingers.

sabbat part 3

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 10:09


Yesterday evening I made my first sale-through-the-web - An older man in a very nice suit came by to buy the Robin CD shelf for 10 euro. He didn't look like the kind of guy that collects CD's or needs to buy shelves second hand, but I didn't ask what he was going to do with it. And now I regret not asking - I seem to have a need to know what happens to stuff I stop using and give away.

Anyway, because Fons asked, my other items on Kapaza are:

  • industrial vacuum cleaner(I just *know* we're going to need it as soon as it gets sold)
  • my back-friendly chair(Painful to get rid of as it has served me so well, but it damages the parquet floor we have now)
  • microwave(when you've had a few different places between you and your girlfriend you tend to accumulate microwaves - we already gave one away)
  • My prized TV closet - our new TV's outgrown it.

Registered friends get a 20% discount on every item as long as they permanently give up the right to complain about the sale once made!

sabbat part 2

Filed under: Life — Thomas @ 17:18


An excellent opportunity to write an angry email to a company that I feel wronged by. The company in question is a Belgian company called Artson NV, I bought two stereo volume dials for my speakers, and they invoiced me shipping costs *after* the first invoice and the shipping, and then sent me a 15% intrest invoice a month later.

For once, this post will be in Dutch.

Jullie zijn het eerste bedrijf waar ik ooit iets van gekocht heb die leveringskosten *apart* aanrekenen en *na de aankoop*. En daarna rekent u een maand later ook nog eens 15% intrest aan.

Ik heb vandaag betaald, maar het zal meteen ook de laatste keer zijn dat ik ooit nog iets betaal. En ik hoop dat ik niet de enige klant ben die omwille van die manier van doen andere winkels opzoekt.

Het gaat mij niet om het geld, het is maar 3,15 + 0,05 euro (die 0,05 euro dient waarschijnlijk om ervoor te zorgen dat mensen daar nog eens overkijken - het bedrag 18,15 euro staat wel VIJF keer op uw factuur, en het eigenlijke bedrag van 18,20 euro slechts EEN keer) - het gaat mij om het feit dat uw manier van werken onlogisch is en erom vraagt om slecht af te lopen voor de klant.

Ik durf wedden dat u veel aanmaningen moet sturen.

Zonder rancune en vriendelijke groeten

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