
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

About a satellite

Filed under: Flumotion,Fun — Thomas @ 10:29


Our data center has some satellite dishes on it allowing us to encode any of the signals for our customers. One day we had a problem with one of our dishes, and soon after a customer called to one of our sales people. Her answer ?

"We're sorry, one of the satellites fell down. But don't worry, tomorrow we're launching a new one!"

The customer was so impressed that he thanked her for our dedication and hung up.

We never had the balls to tell this customer we don't actually run a space agency.


  1. I don’t get it… why did your sales person lie that you had your own satellites? Aren’t you embarrassed by what she did?

    Comment by Bob Bobson — 2011-09-04 @ 13:20

  2. Of course.

    Comment by Thomas — 2011-09-04 @ 19:06

  3. You can blame a satellite eclipse. When the sun is behind your satellite, the electromagnetic noise is so strong that the signals from the satellite are lost. What any body can do against the sun? The only downside as a excuse is that you are able to predict those events and take actions.

    Comment by Neville A. Cross — 2011-09-04 @ 16:44

  4. Interesting. I work for a communications satellite company and I never heard of our signals getting swamped out by the sun. Our evil nemesis is the rain, which has a stronger attenuation than free space and can decrease the signal strength enough that users lose it. We try to setup the satellite so that it outputs enough power to overcome these events, but as you can imagine the rain model probably doesn’t cover the worse cases completely.

    Comment by Dan Nicholson — 2011-09-06 @ 13:47

  5. Dan, that is our experience too. On the receiving side, both rain and wind cause issues. Rain because I assume the signal gets dispersed, and wind because it causes less than ideal alignment of the dishes.

    Comment by Thomas — 2011-09-06 @ 14:32

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