
Present Perfect


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Present Perfect

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:40



apeiro: you stop being an uptime whore the moment you realize that due to a variable in the kernel source code your uptime spills over around 497 days. I've had this happen to two of my boxes, and they now list a pitiful 70 days, even though it's supposed to be more than 560.


The GStreamer Media Player is out. It is very alpha code. People complain about this all the time but they don't realize that for now, the player is just a test bed for core features. This is for us far more important than putting out a stable, feature-complete player. People not yet realize that GStreamer is not just a player, but aiming to be a very complete multimedia back-end.

In any case, the player works very nicely, and it is fantastic that these days I can just turn to any Red Hat computer and type

apt-get install gstreamer-universe

and a few minutes later try out the player and see it play avi files. Rock !

Now all together :

It wasn't like this
on my old eighty eighty-six

On the downside, Michael Meeks uncovered a build/link bug which is only a problem when you configure the player with a different prefix than the one for the core. We don't do that much, of course, but this is what we want app developers to do. So this is a bug nonetheless. It will require some rethinking of our linking stuff.


I've been asked if I saw the possibility of "spearheading a multimedia workshop" at the Gnome summit. Blimey ! Well, I guess I could, but that's an overly broad term, so I asked them if they could clarify a little ;)


Uraeus laughed because someone commented on the GStreamer release notes saying bitches is an immature name for a software project. Now I'm thinking about changing it again. I should grow some hair on my teeth and learn to bark.


Seems the original demo tape (the pink tape) the Pixies sent in as a demo (and from which 8 songs made it onto Come On Pilgrim) got released on CD. I have to hear that one.


Pants travelled all over the world and finally arrived !

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:39



tromey, I think the number one reason why people think automake sucks is because they don't spend the time necessary to learn it a little. It's not an end use program, it's a tool to do programming, so everyone just wants to get it out of the way as quick as possible.

Having spent quite some time learning it a little to work well for GStreamer, I must say that automake is a very powerful tool and has in the end saved us all a lot of work and time. I happily use it in all my programs now, and once you've built up some residual knowledge and learn to copy templates well from the other projects, it's really handy.

It's not always easy sorting out the whole libtool, autoconf and automake mess, but given where it's coming from and the number of architectures it has to work on, it's amazing that it works so well.

As for a re-write, that might be a good idea. I think it really has come to the point where you can only do incremental bug fixes to the toolset. If you want to resolve bigger issues with automake, which you just mentioned, then a rewrite might be in order. The problem you'll face is that practically no one will help you. Everyone is quick to say automake sucks, but they'll probably not help because it's just too damn hard and not sexy enough to their opinion.

So since I never let you know before how much I like automake (and the other tools), here it is : thank you !.


Yay, managed to push the final release out the door ! Come and get GStreamer 0.4.0 : Desperately Seeking Sexiness. Please give us bug reports and feature requests, we are looking for interested app developers ! Also, the Red Hat apt-rpm has been updated, so check that out as well.

One thing I hated is something other people doing releases on fairly big projects might have encountered as well : the importance of a code freeze and good testing before the release. I have started becoming pretty anal about release stuff and quality. There's lots of stuff out there I've started disliking :

  • packages with letters in their versions (0.9b ?) : seriously, what does the letter give you that the numbers don't ?
  • packages doing prereleases by adding pre or rc to the version (1.0pre1 ?) : this is so hard on lots of package management systems and package scripts, it's really not funny to be on the receiving end
  • packages not unpacking in a dir with the same name as the tarball. Even worse when they just unpack in the current dir and you spend too much time cleaning that src dir out again because you're too lazy to figure out how to get tar to print you a list of contents to pipe through xargs and rm.
  • packages with just plain weird versioning or not doing proper releases at all. avifile is my number one pet peeve in this department. They stopped doing real releases a long time ago, they only do snapshots anymore. Every package using avifile ends up requiring either a specific CVS snapshot or including all of the code again. It's incredible. Never mind the fact that even with this snapshotting versioning number they still use ordinary versioning as well. The current "release" is avifile-0.7.9-20020704.tgz and unpacks in a dir called avifile0.7-0.7.9. It used to be even worse by the way. I mailed their list about it and apparently it was the debian packager who requested the tarball to unpack like that.

On the other hand, I realize full well that this is open source, and that it's not always easy to do this sort of stuff well. Plus, I have become too anal about it. But still, I want to help improve stuff. So if anyone wants to discuss this sort of stuff or have some help in improving their projects, feel free to ask.

But on software freeze before a release : I tend to do a few pre-releases of GStreamer before the final release, testing out various stuff, adding last-minute bug fixes, checking if docs are there, and so on. Today the same person that did so the last time around started adding stuff to the release branch right after I had done the final of three pre-releases. So I spent a lot of time tweaking those prereleases and getting them out there and tested, and all of a sudden someone starts putting code fixes in CVS and stuff for things they consider important but didn't get round to doing long before the release cycle. That makes me so mad, because a last-minute fix can easily break a whole lot of stuff. I see lots of projects around who have to put out immediate follow-up releases because something is missing from the dist or something doesn't compile properly...

So how do other projects deal with that ? What's a good policy during release preparation ?

Apparently some people of Gnome and/or Ximian would like someone of the GStreamer crowd to be at the Boston Gnome summit. wingo is going to go. They're also considering paying <person>omega</person's plane ticket, but he can't make it, so he suggested I should go. It'd be weird but nice to go to Boston. It probably won't happen, but it's fun daydreaming about it ;) I'd have to get time off from work at a busy point and Ximian would have to agree to it. But who knows ?

Free Software

I spent some time on IRC in various channels lately trying to answer questions other people have. Or at least, when I ask a question, hang around long enough to answer three questions of other people.It's all about fighting entropy. I've had good and bad experiences altogether. There was this guy jumping into #redhat, asking how to build an rpm from a .src.rpm. He asked the question, and not one minute later he said something like "pah, #redhat and nobody knows how to build an rpm" and left. Dude, have some patience !

So I dialogued him, and started by calling him rude and giving him the answer at the same time. He ended up discussing it a little and asking me why I thought I was rude, until he apologized. That actually felt good.

On the other hand, there are very thankful people as well. Someone in #gnome-help provided a link to two screenshots, one with an ugly gnome2 and a pretty gnome2, and he said his looked like the ugly one and he wanted it to look like the pretty one. So I spent some time explaining to him what I had changed until he was happy with it. And then I asked him to promise me one thing : to hang around the channel long enough to answer the same question for three other people. And he agreed. And then said thank you. Sometimes it warms the heart to be involved in open source. If you work at Microsoft, does the money in the bank warm the heart enough to not mind not being thanked once in a while by random strangers ?


Went to the dentist again today. I hate dentists. I mean, they're ok, but I hate going to them. I got three teeth filled in a row today. And every dentist I ever went to says it's easier to tranquillize an elephant than me. Today I got eight separate needle injections.

And I have a few more visits to work through...


Am starting to fear no one will be on receiving end of pants.

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:38



Exciting stuff going on. The prereleases seem of pretty good quality. I urge all of you interested to try them out and give us some feedback before we do the final release.

For bug reports, you can go to Gnome's Bugzilla or drop by on #gstreamer on irc.openprojects.net and tell us directly.

You can get source pre-releases at http://gstreamer.net/releases/0.4.0/src/.

If you're on Red Hat 7.2 or 7.3, and run Ximian or Gnomehide GNOME2, then please also take a look at our Red Hat apt repository. Setting up apt only takes a short time, and I'd appreciate it if you would try and run

apt-get install gstreamer-universe

and let me know if it works at all for you. And if you have a conflict with gstreamer-plugin-libs, remove that rpm first before doing the install.

Red Carpet

Looks like we finally got in touch with the right person at Ximian. He set up a simple cron job and did some more work, and I'm now testing the private Red Carpet channel. Stuff seems to work well, and after some tests we should be able to make it public and have people enjoy it.


jdub asked me if someone from GStreamer is going to be at the Gnome Summit in Boston. I didn't even know it was an open summit. I'm not sure he was serious about it, but we started discussing it in #gstreamer. Maybe someone of us should go, but it's pretty short notice and I don't know if anyone will be able to make the arrangements. And it would probably need some planning as well.

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:37



I'm not sure having publically viewable ratings is such a hot idea. I'd like to be able to rate diary entries, yes, so that I can over time ignore those that I don't like reading that much. But scoring visible to everyone ? Hm, don't know. I'm not in this thing for some kind of beauty contest in any case.

source control

mglazer: in my experience advogato is a really bad source code control tool. I suggest you look into alternatives, such as CVS or Subversion.


Things have been a little quiet on this front. Stuff is picking up however, as a good friend of mine has decided he wants one. So the first outside Dave/Dina box will soon be a reality ! He even went as far as trying to get a second-hand Matrox G400 card.

This means that in the near future I will be working on making the installation better, making the apt repository available and adding some small changes to make it a little more user-friendly. I should really rework the site as well. I was hoping to first get the server online but apparently it seems the housing arrangements aren't all that easy to get set up.

Also, our hardware sponsor also found someone interested in purchasing the hardware for this box. He wants it to be a little more high-end, so I'll be working on some of the more special goodies.


We had so many scheduler problems last week that I decided to give in and work on one of the two schedulers. I had to go far to deep into thread issues (which I knew nothing about before) and seem to have uncovered nasty bugs in GLIBC. Sometimes you forget how even the basic stuff your system depends on is in constant development. I'm not sure if I really like that feeling.

In any case, I subscribed to the glibc mailing list but it's actually pretty unresponsive. Either I'm asking the wrong questions, or my questions aren't interesting or relevant. I even managed to dig up an example from their mailing list from a few years ago that seems to have similar issues as what we are currently having in GStreamer, and reposted it with some extra questions. That example still fails on my machine. No answers received though from the developers, only a few mails from another user with a problem, but in a different area.

People, please point me in the direction of a glibc hacking document that might be useful.

On another note, it's time to do prereleases of GStreamer. The scheduler issues are worrysome but do not seem to affect general usage. It's time to give the world what it deservers ;)


The wearing of pants has been postponed to Thursday at the soonest.


Went to see Femme Fatale yesterday (Spider-man was full). I feel the movie should have ended a bit before it did, right there on that bridge. The plot ends up feeling contrived. How does Apple keep getting into these movies ? Everyone was running Apple gear. I can see Apple's tag line : "The only thing sexy about Femme Fatale is the Apple gear !"


Back in the day a few girls in our town used to run a milk bar for free, just for fun. We spent many many hours there talking about stuff, playing games, watching Friends and movies and stuff ... The last one was two years ago I think.

Tonight we're going to do a reunion and we've invited some other friends over as well. It will be strange to see the original proprietors again, and I hope we will be able to recapture some of the magic that made it what it was.

In any case, you gotta love a couple of gals giving milk away for free.

Filed under: General — Thomas @ 12:36



loaded 108 plugins with 257 features

The final bugs seem to have been ironed out, so it's time to start the prerelease cycle for the upcoming GStreamer 0.4.0. It might not be a big deal to you but it sure is to us ;)


"Pants will be worn by those who are worthy."

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